
March 16, 2020

NM Book Co-op HELP CENTER #3

The New Mexico Book Co-op Help Center is for authors and publishers to share ideas, and some humor, and if you have any ideas that you might share on how to keep our beloved books on the minds of readers and stores, send them to LPDPress@q.com and I'll share with our wider book family (If it is appropriate, it will be shared with the 1,500+ members of the NM Book Co-op).


I am not generally an alarmist or a conspiracy theory kinda guy, but I have been doing an awful lot of "what if" thinking lately. I am aware that local business will probably be devastated during this crisis. The pattern of my life moving forward will probably be permanently altered. But what if ... and I really do not like putting any more attention on these things than necessary ... but what if:

▪ supply chains break down and we cannot get books delivered to people at stores or even their homes? (we rely so heavily on USP, FedEx, and the Post Office)
▪ grocery store deliveries get slowed down or stopped? -- God forbid
▪ our hospitals get choked off from taking more patients.
▪ our self quarantines become mandatory and last longer than 14 days?
▪ schools and public facilities stay closed for more than 3 weeks?
supply chains break down and we cannot get books delivered to people at stores or even their homes? (we rely so heavily on USP, FedEx, and the Post Office)
grocery store deliveries get slowed down or stopped? -- God forbid
our hospitals get choked off from taking more patients.
our self quarantines become mandatory and last longer than 14 days?
schools and public facilities stay closed for more than 3 weeks?

I am alone a lot as you probably know and now I must stop myself from thinking about these subjects.

This is why we all need to work together and support each other as best we can. Don't forget to tell all your neighbors and friends that during these self-sequestration times, books are looking pretty good! And luckily we have lots of them.

CONTEST: Let's come up with a name for the "Best Reading List for New Mexico and Arizona Books While Quaranteened!"

First two entries are:

"From My Bookie"


"Isolated Pages"

Still need more ideas. Once we come up with a name for the book list I'll put out a call for the books that should be on that list. We can all promote it to possible buyers and even to stores (if there are any left when the dust settles). What do you think? Let's all pitch in an idea for a name. Give me your suggestions.

CYBERSECURITY FOR ALL OF US: One of our own Co-opers, Kelly Byram, is a cybersecurity consultant with clients all across the US and EU. Her blog gives us all a wake-up call we need to be aware of. "Coronavirus is providing the perfect cover for spreading ransomware. Here’s how it’s being done and how you can avoid becoming a virtual victim of coronavirus." for more go to https://cyber.dukecityconsulting.com/coronavirus/

PERSONAL NOTE: I have noticed a huge increase in what my email program thinks are junk. Plus, I was the recipient of an early morning phone call from “Publishers Clearinghouse” telling me I had won the second place award. Upon reflection they never said my name and started asking for email info so they could send me info. They did NOT ask for money or anything but the call abruptly stopped when I started asking how they could prove that this was legit. I said I wouldn’t give them my email but wanted them to mail info to me. They insisted email was much faster but I insisted on regular mail. In mid sentence they hung up; proving my suspicions. LESSON LEARNED. It was a scam.

ON-GOING LIST OF SUPPORT IDEAS: As a reminder of previous notes, here are things we all can do to support each other:
* Sign up for bookstore and local business email lists/blasts about current news
* Use curbside pickup and online ordering
* Buy gift certificates from local businesses for later redemption
* Use food banks for critical needs — www.nmfoodbanks.org
* Talk with local business owners to explore other ideas -- by phone or email

COVERS•READS: now might be a good time to consider signing up for the NM Book Co-op's Cover•Reads program where your book can be profiled in an email newsletter to bookstores and libraries (when they are open for business again) all across New Mexico and Arizona. Cost is as low as $20 per insert. Sorry if this sounds like crass commercialism, but you can check it out at http://nmbookcoop.com/CoverReads/CoverReads/CoverReadsPromo.html

SUPPORTIVE COMMENTS: We have been getting a lot of feedback and many comments on our HELP CENTER, including from Janet Brennan, Margie McCurry, Kelly Byram, and Lynda Sanches to name just a few recent emails. Thanks for your votes of confidence and support. Janet's comments hit very close to home: "This is what Barbe meant when she said 'keep the flag flying.' What you are doing is wonderful!"

BOOK BIZ UPDATES: We have heard that the following book & public events have been cancelled or postponed:
New Mexico Writers Dinner
Albuquerque Antiquarian Book Fair
Public libraries
Public museums
Tucson Book Festival
Moriarty Author Event
Natl Hispanic Cultural Center Bilingual Children's Book Festival
Historical Society of New Mexico Book Exhibit (and Conference)
NM Book Assn events
NM Book Co-op events
SCBWI-NM events
SW Writers events
All public schools in New Mexico

KUDOS: A note from Lynda Sanchez: "Kudos to Christina Stock in Roswell, She is really a great gal and does a wonderful job with her Vision and other segments. Very innovative."

PHOENIX RESTAURANTS: Coronavirus could 'make or break' metro Phoenix restaurants. Here's how they're responding — https://www.azcentral.com/story/entertainment/dining/2020/03/13/metro-phoenix-restaurants-responding-coronavirus-pandemic/5035521002/

KEEPING UP TO DATE: There are several good/reliable sources for staying on top of things which are moving very quickly.

Albuquerque Area: https://www.abqjournal.com/coronavirus; or https://www.krqe.com/health/coronavirus-new-mexico

Phoenix Area: https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/coronavirus-in-arizona-public-schools-list-faqs-on-potential-closures

Santa Fe Area: https://www.santafenewmexican.com

Tucson Area: https://tucson.com/news/local/tucson-area-coronavirus-coverage-arizona-now-at-cases-biosphere-closes/collection_3e8001f8-6483-11ea-8a8e-138f938d9fb1.html

Coronavirus Updates: www.cnn.com (link in upper left corner)
If you have a good reliable source for information please email us information.

Cybersecurity Issues: https://cyber.dukecityconsulting.com/coronavirus/

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Paul Rhetts

NM Book Co-op's main mission is to foster community and support for authors and publishers and books.

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