Are you a UAE-based educator who is interested in Science, ICT, Engineering & Math? Mubadala and Bon Education invite you to apply to our Winter Advan

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Tech Quest PMS

Are you a UAE-based educator who is interested in Science, ICT, Engineering & Math? Mubadala and Bon Education invite you to apply to our Winter Advanced Technology Teacher Training & STEM Camp Teaching Program (Tech Quest Program). Applications due November 16.

Program Details...

Selected educators will receive training on advanced technologies related to manufacturing, aviation, mechatronics, robotics and healthcare (e.g., utilizing tools like 3D printers, Arduino, Mindstorms and more). They will also learn pedagogical skills for promoting hands-on STEM inquiry in the classroom, as well as student team building and leadership activities.

Participants who graduate from the training will teach a two-week STEM camp for high school Emirati students in Abu Dhabi or Al Ain. Upon completion of both the Training and STEM Camp, participants will receive a certificate from Mubadala, a letter stating that they completed over 100 hours of STEM training/teaching and a stipend of 7500AED. Additionally, graduates will have opportunities to apply to borrow equipment, so that they may use the advanced technologies they learned in lessons with students in their own schools.

Teacher Training dates:
Nov 29 2014
Dec 6, 13, 20 2014

Tech Quest Program:
Dec 21-25, 28-31 2014

Applications due November 16

To apply, please send the following 3 things to

1012191 601774139862868 1505243898 n

1) Your CV

2) Answers to these questions:
* Why would you like to participate in this opportunity?
* What do you hope to learn?
* Please share an example of an innovative STEM project or unit you've worked on with your students.
* Which location do you prefer to teach in? Abu Dhabi or Al Ain?
* Are you available for all Teacher Training and Program dates?

3) Two references (Name, Title, Email address only. No letters required.)

Application deadline: November 16 2014 with preference given to early applications. Select applicants will be invited for an interview on November 19 2014. Please only apply if you can make ALL dates above.

Teachers from public and private schools and universities in the UAE are welcome to apply.
