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Amazing Amorphophallus!

These plants will stop people in their tracks! Every time an Amorphophallus blooms at the nursery, it is all anyone can talk about for weeks! They are so unique that you can't help but love them! Grab a couple for your garden!

Happy Growing,
Brian & Sarah


Amorphophallus symonianus native to Thailand this easy to grow aroid produces tubular growths inside the sections of the leaves similar to Bulbifer. Mature plants grow 2 to 4 feet tall. Flowers are usually 4 to 8 inches tall with green spath and white spadix which is very phallic in shape. Plants sold in 4 1/2 inch pots.


Amorphophallus myosuroides silver center Aga 1756-01 bulbs collected by Alan galloway of Amorphophallus myosuroides. This small species has dark leaves with silver centers and produces a small cute flower white with a white spath that resembles a mouse tail. Plants tend to grow only 1 foot or so tall and produces multiple offsets as it grows. Plants are usually small in pots with multiple plants per pot.


Amorphophallus bulbifer this form is possibly the most well known and sold on the market. The petioles are blotched with dark brown blotches on off white petioles. Flowers can be up to 1 foot tall and smell extremely rotten when in flower. Plants sold are in 4 1/2 inch pots.


Amorphophallus konjac is an Asian aroid that is commonly called the dragon arum or devils tongue. The foliage is one large segment leaf held a top a dark spotted petiole. The plant flowers after 2 to 3 years after planting or once the tuber is large enough. The flower is a dark maroon color with a large dark spadix. Each flower is held up several feet by a petiole. The largest I have seen was 2 1/2 foot flower on top of a 5 foot petiole. One of the main topics with this plant is the smell of the flower which smells a bit like road kill. Usually lasting 2 to 3 days during flowering. Plants are hardy to zone 5, I recommend a well drained area for winter months. Tubers can get extremely large in time.

Plants sold in 4 inch pots

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