
Stories of Our Resistance with Baba Kojo: SHEROES and HEROS of the Haitian Revolution

- Learn about the Women who trained black revolutionaries to fight for liberation in Haiti!

Feeding our Blackness

Help us spread the word! Gift your friends and family a free pass to Baba Kojo's Class. Click here.

This Saturday, January 28th

10 am - 11:30 am EST

Making it Real compared to What!!

Our ancestors and their descendants resisted and rebelled against oppression from its very onset!

Baba Kojo

As a Black bibliophile, Baba Kojo uses books by and about people of African descent to demonstrate how we have resisted oppression and that fighting is winning.

AYA Institute invites you to join Baba Kojo’s Saturday classes for parents, children, and youth. Baba Kojo shows adults and children how to find joy and inspiration in reading about how our ancestors resisted oppression and how our ancestors' knowledge can be applied today.

Updated Stories of Our Resistance Course Registration Links:
$29/month : https://aya-membership-community.mn.co/courses/8923968/settings/payments/plans/244218

$340 One Time Payment https://aya-membership-community.mn.co/plans/245624

Course Page: https://aya-membership-community.mn.co/courses/8923968



1. Parent~Children~Youth Stories of Resistance Classes and Study Group
2. Each class features two books of resistance- one children’s book and another adult companion of the same story of resistance
3. Mental Health + Resistance: Learning simple activities can be both developmental and protective forr our children and our people's mental health
1. Parent~Children~Youth Stories of Resistance Classes and Study Group
2. Each class features two books of resistance- one children’s book and another adult companion of the same story of resistance
3. Mental Health + Resistance: Learning simple activities can be both developmental and protective forr our children and our people's mental health

4.Learn how to actively and vicariously participate in resistance activities that are key to stability in an anti-Afrikan society and culture.

1. From the Beginning! Learn how our ancestors and their descendants resisted and rebelled against oppression from its very onset!
2. Strength to Love: learn "...how in the midst of...death and suffering [we could] find so much strength to love, so much determination to live, fight on, and be free..."
3. And What Now is Our Future: learn about how in permanent and grueling exile a people could dance and create songs and art, fashion institutions of hope, bear so many children of beauty...what is next?
1. From the Beginning! Learn how our ancestors and their descendants resisted and rebelled against oppression from its very onset!
2. Strength to Love: learn "...how in the midst of...death and suffering [we could] find so much strength to love, so much determination to live, fight on, and be free..."
3. And What Now is Our Future: learn about how in permanent and grueling exile a people could dance and create songs and art, fashion institutions of hope, bear so many children of beauty...what is next?

Register here: https://tinyurl.com/HealingSOR ~ or click on "Courses" to find the SOR:Stories of Our Resistance page in the AYA-WHB Network. It is best to register on your computer. See you there!

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