Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . Important Note for Webinar Attendees: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday celebrated in the US, we have switched the

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Important Note for Webinar Attendees:

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday celebrated in the US, we have switched the days the webinar is offered. The first webinar presentation will be on Thursday, November 20 at 6pm PST. The second presentation will be on Sunday, November 23 at 12pm PST. Please mark your calendars ~~ we don't want anyone to miss the webinar.

Join us. Add your unique vibration to the "web of Light" we create during every webinar ~ showering the planet with our Light affecting positive change in the mass consciousness of all on GAIA.

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Below is an article by James Gilliland. He suggests that we all watch the video Foster and Kimberly put forth on the change in money which I sent out a couple of weeks ago. If you didn't watch it then, please do so now. Why we at PAO and James Gilliland were happy that the Thrive people put forth this video is because they have a much larger and diverse audience. We have been educating people on these principles for many years with PAO's weekly updates and monthly webinars. This video is a good summary AND there is more to the story.

The dark power structure is imploding. Always remember, Love is the greatest force there is and the Divine Plan is unfolding right before our eyes. Break all dysfunctional behavior patterns and align with your true nature ~ LOVE.

Selamat Ja!



Considering the extent of cabal corruption on Earth, many wonder why Gaia became the object of the Galactics' attention and concern. In this Webinar, Sheldan will examine the reasons Gaia came to be a key to this Galaxy's shift in consciousness.

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All About "GAIA"

Topics Include:

Why Earth/Gaia is a key water planet in this galaxy
Why Earth/Gaia? ~ Considering the levels of cabal corruption, why did Heaven choose us?

The Gaia Cetacean Human Connection

Gaia and Humans I: Together, we are raising each other's vibrations
Gaia and Humans II: Why are we almost ready for first contact?
Gaia's Secret Sacred Societies
Gaia's Earth Allies
What are our current roles as lightworkers/starseeds?
Gaia: a pristine and exquisite new world after the landings

Thursday, November 20, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm PST


Sunday, November 23, 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm PST

(California time)

For your convenience: Time Converter

Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: CLICK HERE

Cost: $15.00 U.S.



by James Gilliland

Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Freedom and Prosperity for all is the base foundation for Universal Law.


First I apologize for not being available lately due to traveling and dental concerns. I had two crowns prepared and a molar pulled in one day. I am also in Mexico at a place that will remain undisclosed. There has been many inquiries as to what is happening on many levels. There is so much going on I almost don't know where to start. Foster Gamble put out a youtube video concerning "your money is about to change."

I highly recommend watching it mainly because it will save me a lot of typing. I am in contact and working with major key players as far as the currency re-evaluation, the movement back to universal law and sovereignty. I am glad Foster and Kimberly decided to put out this information yet there is more to the story. What is unfolding is in alignment with universal law and the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. It is a step one of many. Eventually we will evolve to a civilization that does not use money as most advanced civilizations. For this to occur we must make the shift to unity consciousness. The 9th wave the Mayans speak of is a wave of consciousness and energy that is exponentially increasing until all match its vibration or frequency. What is unfolding fits into that process.

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While there are some who are trying to create WW3, creating false flags, fake epidemics etc. to govern you through fear and dependency, they are imploding due to a much grander force. This force includes families and mega trusts aligned with a higher force for good.

Many refer to these negative factions as the cabal, zionists, illuminati etc. I have to ask what is so illumined and enlightened about separation, greed and actions harmful to humanity and the Earth. These are all base, primitive beliefs. What they refer to as superior in action and belief is in fact inferior and not frequency specific to the evolutionary path of Earth. What they refer to as power has nothing to do with power. Power comes from source, prime creator and prime creator, God, Creator, Great Spirit what ever you want to call it is love.

Love is the ultimate power in the universe. So where is the love in their thought and action? Where is the nobel virtue? No love, joy, bliss, no power. What you have is a very primitive mind cut off from spirit and trapped in the false ego.

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Those who operate under universal law, love and serve all creation are coming forward. They are riding the 9th wave. They are multidimensional and are a force beyond comprehension. This force includes the benevolent Annunaki which are recalling the fallen ones left behind.

Those who broke universal law are standing in front of the councils, facing their deeds and the consequences. The Pleiadians, Orion Council of Light. Arcturians, Andromedans, and a host of other extremely advanced off worlders or what others refer to as ultradimensionals are all coming forward to liberate the Earth and reset her back on her original course. There is a massive cleanup of the archon network a collection of demonic and degenerate energy which is about 80% complete. This means their puppets here on Earth will lose their false power, protection and guidance by these dark forces. It is a recipe for disaster for the dark hearts especially when the masses wake up to who they are and what they have done. This is the big picture yet there are many aspects to it. Universal Law demands that everyone do their part, make the necessary changes in their lives aligned with Universal Law.

Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Freedom and Prosperity for all is the base foundation for Universal Law. It is was summed up in two sentences by one of your masters. Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourselves. There is one more sentence necessary. Honor the Creator in All Creation, the sacred circle of life. We need to be kind to each other and all creation. Live a life in balance.


Now I have to ask how many of your institutions operate according to Universal Law. Your religions separate man from God and God from Creation when in fact you cannot separate the Creator from Creation nor man from omnipresence. Your governments serve the corporations, souless entities which worship profit at any expense. This has caused the greatest suffering to humanity and the Earth.

The war industry is responsible the escalation of wars and the pharmaceutical industry is responsible for the escalation of disease. The oil industry is responsible for the escalation of pollution along with the nuclear industry, coal industry etc. all unnecessary with todays advanced fueless energy systems. Your media is bought and controlled designed to trap you in the external disempowering you from making your internal connection to source. This is all governed on the highest levels by the archon network ~ a grid which is being torn asunder as we speak. We are in that process and it is well underway. We still have free will to choose which world we wish to support and participate in yet one world is coming to a close. My best advice is to choose wisely in thought and action in the days to come because that will determine your future or lack thereof. Let the archon network fall, don't participate in it. If you have played a big part in that network and benefited from it now is the time to play a big part in the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. Time to balance out the karma.

There is action/reaction, there is a grand uncovering where all iniquities will be shouted from the rooftops. Nothing will remain hidden, there is no protection other than forgiveness and right action from ones karma. This is true soul repentance not lip service. This must be followed by restitution. Sound biblical? It is far beyond the bible or any religion. It is what is unfolding and the path to freedom and survival during these challenging times. We have the technology to end disease and regenerate the body. We have the technology to supply all our energy and transportation needs fuelessly. We have the ability through organic technologies to feed the world. The resources are there to end poverty, homelessness, all of the ills of humanity. This includes process oriented therapies to heal the mind of wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences. The only thing missing is the leadership and the uprising. Both are in the wind backed by forces beyond imagination.

Be the force. Be well,
James Gilliland

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