How does a tiny houser shop for the holidays? Hello , How does a tiny house dweller shop during the holidays? Since living in my tiny (6+yrs), I dr

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How does a tiny houser shop for the holidays?


Living the simple life during the holidays from Vina's Tiny house

Hello ,

How does a tiny house dweller shop during the holidays?

Since living in my tiny (6+yrs), I dread going shopping more and more. It takes me weeks, sometimes months, to make a decision to purchase a single item. Every purchase has to perfectly meet my needs. Otherwise I wind up returning it. I hate the thought of buying stuff that sits as junk for years, ending up in landfills. So I try to make my purchases thoughtful.

Here's my criteria for buying gifts:

EXPERIENCES: Give experiences rather than things. Movie or concert tickets, adventure trips, museum memberships, dinner or lunch date - where you can share long heartfelt conversations with those you love.

LOCAL: Buy from your local stores supporting local artists who make handmade one-of-a-kind gifts.

UPCYCLED MATERIALS: Go to second hand stores and consignment shops. For outdoor gear and clothing, I love Worn Wear from Patagonia, REI's Garage Sale, or Play it Again Sports

DURABILITY: Avoid buying cheap stuff that end up in landfills. The concept of planned obsolesence should be illegal. It's a waste of our natural resources and energy. Buy things that last forever. It's actually cheaper in the long run.

MULTI-PURPOSE: My tiny house has furnishings that has multiple uses. I've started to use this criteria for buying items like clothing, kitchenware and sports gear. It's easier on your budget and takes up less space. For example, I have only 2 jackets from Patagonia for trekking, rain, climbing, or hiking and casual wear. It lasts forever and I can also get it repaired for free! Win-win!

SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS PRACTICES: Materials should be sourced ethically and employees should have fair wages and working conditions.

BEAUTIFUL/TIMELESS: I think things are beautiful when it has a timeless design. The items should make you feel good and look good, too.

One of the by-products of living tiny is being more conscientious about consumption. Let your dollars make a statement. Enjoy the holidays nourishing our hearts with meaningful gifts, rather than stuff.

So much love and appreciation,

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Vina Lustado, Owner, SOL HAUS DESIGN

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Give the Gift of Freedom: Live Tiny

40  OFF- Sol Haus Tiny House Plans  1

At Sol Haus Design, our tiny homes have always offered a way to reduce your footprint and to be mindful about consumption. Living tiny often leads to a much more rewarding life filled with meaning, intention and best of all, freedom.

Through our new initiative, you can give back while doing good. Give Back 100 allocates $100 from every sale of our three Sol Haus Tiny House Plans to Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County and their efforts to provide affordable housing to communities in need.

As an extra incentive, from now through December 31st, plans our 40% off! If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that this is a unique opportunity as I rarely offer any discounts.

All tiny house plans (Sol Haus, Light Haus and Sol Pod) are tried and true. They've been built by others many times before, all over the world from the US, Canada and Australia. Check out the examples HERE.

I hope that 2020 is the year you finally start moving toward your tiny house dreams, and that these plans help to get you there!


Vina Lustado is the founder/owner of Sol Haus Design, a boutique firm with a focus on sustainable design and building in Ojai, California. After receiving an architecture degree and more than 20 years experience with high-end corporate clients, Vina decided to focus her career on smaller-scale projects that could make a positive difference. Staying true to her values, Vina lives full-time in her off-grid Tiny House. Vina's home has been featured in media publications, books and television. Lustado is also a proud recipient of FWN Global 100 Most Influential Women. She has been a featured speaker at Yale University and was chosen as Innovative Entrepreneur by Social Venture Circle.


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