I don't usually wait so long to think about my Thanksgiving menu, but as most of you know, this year isn't like most years. At the end of August, Hurricane Ida wreaked havoc on this part of Louisiana, and my family home was all but destroyed. Fortunately, my parents were with my husband and me when it happened, and they've been living with us ever since.

One situation that we had not expected when we moved back to Louisiana was that our house would become the one where everyone comes to celebrate holidays. As a result of the hurricane, we're now expecting guests for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, when before we were always guests in my parents' home.

So you would think I'd have given the menu a lot of thought, but there's been so much happening that time just got away from me. My current plan is to stick to the side dishes that I know everyone likes, and (you will be shocked to hear) serve a purchased vegan main dish (Field Roast Celebration Roast, to be exact.) See below for the side dishes I'll be serving.

Through all this turmoil, my energy for social media has taken a big hit, so my daughter has been helping me out by making some of her favorite recipes from my blog and posting the photos on social media. For those of you who don't follow me on Facebook or Instagram, here are some of the highlights:


Macaroni and Cheese (and Peas!)


Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake


The Best Vegan Green Bean Casserole

I'm so happy to have a child who loves her childhood favorites so much that she wants to make them in her own kitchen. And I'm proud that her photography skills are getting better and better.

The Double-Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake and Green Bean Casserole are definitely on our Thanksgiving menu, along with:
* Sweet Potato Casserole
* My Family's Cranberry Relish
* Cornbread Dressing

There'll be more, but I'll probably wait until the last last minute to figure that out. (For a BIG list of all my favorite Thanksgiving dishes, check out this blog post.)

This year I'm particularly thankful to have my family safe and close. I wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy Thanksgiving.


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