
Our Hearts are Sad

We are sad to share that one of our long time members, Annette Reid, passed away last Sunday night while she was sleeping. Her funeral service will be here at Inman Park Church on Saturday, September 15th at 11am with a committal to follow at 3pm at Horace A. Ward Fairview Chapel (376 Fairview Road, Stockbridge, GA 30281). Memorial gifts of flowers or donations to Inman Park United Methodist Church would be welcome. Please keep RoseMary Ludwig and family in your prayers.

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Safe Sanctuary Training

Join us for our annual Safe Sanctuary training. This is our child & elderly protection policy and is a required course for all adults who volunteer with nursery, elementary, and youth aged students. Even if you are not a volunteer, we encourage you to take advantage of this course as an advocate for our children & church. A meal will be provided, and nursery childcare is available upon request. Please select the date that works best for you and RSVP here.


Meet John Edgar!

We are excited to introduce you to our Candler Intern! A Georgia native, John is currently attending Candler School of Theology, and is in his second year of the Master of Divinity program. He previously graduated from Berry College. John has a passion for youth ministry and has worked as youth pastor in Rome during his last two years at Berry. He is also passionate about music, sports, and loves animals especially dogs.

John will be doing all things youth ministry with us this year--from mentoring to leading retreats & more! So make sure to welcome him & get to know him.


Congratulations to the Browns!

There will be flowers on the altar Sunday in honor of Emerson Rose Lind, “A Yellow Rose of Texas”, born on Sept. 4 at 4:30pm. She was 6lbs, 12 oz. and 19” long. She is the Great Granddaughter of Shirley Brown and Great Niece of Kelly Brown. The family is doing fine and is grateful to God!

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New @ IPUMC: Dinner Church!

Sign up for September!

Dinner Church has come to IPUMC (at the parsonage). Dinner Church is a monthly gathering on the 4th Sunday evening, limited to about 12 people, who are interested in getting to know each other, engaging in some light theological discussion around the table, and is a great opportunity to invite neighborhood friends who don't attend IPUMC for whatever the reason.

Tara will provide the main dish, each person (or couple) brings one side and may bring a beverage of their choice. As we gather, we will hear a scripture with a few minutes of reflection, then gather with our food and discuss the scripture and answer a couple of questions in small groups. Then as we eat dessert we will share any insights and finish with Holy Communion.

Click here to sign up for a dinner this fall!

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Blessing of the Animals

We will have a Blessing of the Animals Worship Service on Sunday, October 7th at 11am. The service will be held at Poplar Park (corner of Hurt St. NE and Euclid Ave). Come get your furry or feathered friends blessed! You may bring a photo of your pet if it doesn’t travel well (or play well with others). If you have a favorite portable chair, bring it, or if not, we will provide a less comfortable metal chair (blankets also welcome). You may call or email the church if you have questions at 404-522-9322 or inmanparkumc@gmail.com. In the event of rain we will meet in our Fellowship Hall instead of the park (1015 Edgewood Ave NE). Everyone is welcome!

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SERVE: Habitat Build!

On September 29th we will help a new homeowner build their home with DeKalb Habitat for Humanity. There are TWO opportunities to serve - you can sign up to help build the home or you can sign up to make lunch for the IPUMC volunteers helping with the build. There will be sign ups at the back of the church on Sunday to sign up for either opportunity. If you won't be in church on Sunday you can email Mike to sign up at mike_mongeon@yahoo.com.

Come SERVE with us!

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SERVE: Help Serve Communion

Are you interested in helping Pastor Tara serve communion? We have communion during worship every 1st and 3rd Sunday. We will be setting up a schedule of people to help Pastor Tara during communion. Please email her at pastor@inmanparkumc.org if you are interested!

missed church on sunday

Click here to listen to past sermons

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IPUMC Photo Directory

Some of you may have already had your photo taken by Arman Tolentino, but if you haven't we'd still love to have your photo! If you have a photo of you or your family you'd like to share, please email it to the church office at inmanparkumc@gmail.com.


Coffee House Hours

Pastor Tara will have coffee house hours one morning a week as an opportunity for people to stop by and chat or discuss bigger topics. Coffee house hours are on Thursday mornings from 9-10:30 at Aurora Coffee in L5P (468 Moreland Ave NE. 30307). Beginning Oct. 4th, the location will move to Proof Bakeshop (100 Hurt St. NE). Come have a cup of coffee with Pastor Tara!

IP Yoga

See InmanParkYoga.com for more info.


Update Membership Info

Help us be able to serve you better!

We are trying to update all member records so that we have correct contact information and demographics. We need your help! Please complete one of the information sheets and return to the church office (we will also have these printed on Sunday if you'd rather fill out in church). You can click here to download the info sheet. To fully utilize all of the great features on our church management software, we need your date of birth including the year. In the past we have only tracked member's birthdays with the month and day, so even if you've given us info before we probably still don't have your birth year. This info will not be public! You can also email or call Sarah in the church office to give her your birth year if you prefer. Thank you!


Upcoming Events/Announcements:
* The next Women's Potluck CONNECT will be September 20th at 7pm at the Parsonage
* We will be celebrating World Communion Sunday on September 30th


Click here to see IPUMC's Weekly Kid's Newsletter!

Click here to see IPUMC's Weekly Youth Newsletter!


Ecumenical Prayer Cycle

As a way to remember our connection with Christians around the globe, we will start using a great prayer tool: the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle. Each week of the year a number of countries are highlighted to lift up in prayer. There are also prayers written by Christians in those countries that you can use. By following the cycle throughout the year, you would pray your way around the globe. We will start listing the different countries each week in our prayer list.

For the week of September 9 pray for: Ghana, Nigeria

To find out more and to find links to the prayers from countries around the world click here.


Happy Birthday!

There is one birthday that we know of this week:

Rose Mary Ludwig - September 11

If it's your birthday but your name is not listed and you would like to be included on the birthday list, please email the church office by replying to this email.


Rev. Dr. Tara Paul, Pastor
Cecelia Reilly, Coordinator of Children & Youth Ministries
Lisa Farnsworth, Music Coordinator
Sarah Adair, Office Manager
David Myles, Maintenance Tech

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