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Thursday, June 2, 2022

Sunday's Service - June 5, 2022

The featured Scripture is: 1 Peter 5:5-7
for Pastor Mike's message: Attitudes of Spiritual Maturity Part 1.

We will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion.

Join us Sunday ~ In-Person & Online
Worship at 11am


Livestream available at: CGCC Facebook Page ~ CLC Facebook Page ~ CLC Website

Come Grow With Us!

Scenes From Last Sunday



Worshiping Together

Spend Sunday morning with us ~ in-person or online at 11:00am.
Let's grow together through Worship, Praise, and Prayer, in the Sanctuary and online.
You can also check out the Media Library on the CLC website to watch recent sermons.

Please send your prayer requests in for our Joys & Concerns email that goes out on
Monday morning! The CGCC website has a Contact/Prayer Request page, you can
email Jen Lynch directly, or use



Graduate Sunday
Join us this week as we celebrate achievements marked this school year. Congratulations to these
young people who graduated from high school
or college during the 2021-2022 year!

God Bless all of our graduates!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.
~ Colossians 3:23

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Kelly & Andrea

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Before Worship Fellowship Returns Sunday!

Our Hospitality Ministry will have pre-Worship snacks and
beverages ready on Sunday from 10:15-10:45am.
Arrive early for church and enjoy time together.

Bible Studies & Ministries

download 6

Sunday Morning Bible Study ~ 9:30am
A study of the Books of John.

Ladies Morning Bible Study ~ Friday, 9am
His Last Words: What Jesus Taught and Prayed in His Final Hours (John 13-17) by Kim Erickson.


Wednesday Morning Prayer Group ~ 10am
At the Jackson's and on Zoom
Personal Meeting ID: 6936117456
Password: prayer


Designed to help adults grow as Christ followers.
Young LifeGroup: Sundays, 6pm
Weimer LifeGroup: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 10am
Bartholomew LifeGroup: June 18th, 7-10pm, at Firestone Farms to hear 52nd St. Stranger - A Tribute to Billy Joel. Please bring a lawn chair to this outside event. Weather permitting.

CGCC/CLC Children's Ministry


Collide Sunday ~ During Worship at 11am
* Nursery Care (Newborn-3 in Nursery)
* Collide Kids Jr. (Ages 3-6 in Sprouts Room)
*Collide Kids Church (Grades 1-4 in Activity Room)



For whom are you praying today?
How can we pray for you?

We are here to pray with and for you, anytime! Prayer needs sent by early Monday morning will be included in the weekly Joys & Concerns email. We are also glad to send out prayer requests and praise reports anytime throughout the week!

Encouragement for Graduation Season

Looking Beyond

The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.
~ Luke 19:10 (NIV)

"Can you imagine a person graduating cum laude from college with a teaching certificate but being turned down from a teaching job 24 times? That’s what happened to Brad Cohen, a man with Tourette syndrome, a neurological disorder resulting in involuntary repetitive movements and barking sounds. He was eventually hired at the 25th school where administrators looked beyond the disability and saw Brad’s gifts as a teacher. Brad eventually became a very successful teacher and a motivational speaker. His autobiography became a bestseller and was made into a heartwarming movie called Front of the Class.""

"Jesus paid special attention to people who were overlooked. Jesus noticed short Zacchaeus up in the sycamore-fig tree and reached out to him. On another occasion, though his disciples rebuked a blind man who had called out to Jesus, the Lord called him out and restored his sight (Mark 10:46-52). At another time, Jesus also healed a woman who had been bleeding, and he made sure her faith was recognized (Matthew 9:20-22)."

"Christian love demands that we see beyond the superficial, that we make special accommodations for people who need them, and that we value the contributions of everyone. Jesus put it quite simply: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39)."

Lord Jesus, teach us to see all people as you see them—fellow creatures worthy to be redeemed and transformed through your gift of life for us. In your name, Amen.

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Searching for a Way to Serve?

Our Hospitality Team sign up sheet is still available on the
front desk.You are invited to volunteer to set up/tear down for
pre-church gathering time, bring food, and greet folks/hand out bulletins & sermon outlines. Contact Team Leader Joyce Jackson at 330-429-3217 for more details. Thank you for serving!



June Worship ~ Online & In-Person

Pastor Mike Hileman ~ Sundays at 11:00am.
We're excited to welcome you to Worship, in church and online!


Vacation Bible School 2022


Group's Monumental VBS ~ 6:30-8pm, July 18-22

Online VBS registration is open to make signing up easy. Invite your friends & family to join this adventure! REGISTER today. The big week will be here before you know it! Please prayerfully consider being a VBS volunteer. Volunteer forms available on the VBS table in the Great Room.


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Summer Worship Outdoors

▪ June 19
▪ July 24
▪ August 21
June 19
July 24
August 21

The service will be outside as long as the weather cooperates. Collide Children's Classes will not be held on Sundays that we meet outside. Invite a friend, bring a camp chair or blanket if you want, and join us as we Worship out in the beauty of God's creation!

GG Logo

Our Mission Statement: To cultivate personal, social, and community growth through gardening, education, and opportunity for people of all abilities.



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News of the Week

It's a short week for us, but we are making these four days count. We have been planting like crazy. Peppers, tomatoes, and onions, oh my! And we can't forget the celery, Swiss chard, and shallots. We're excited to watch eveything grow!

On Wednesday, while most of our crew planted, others hauled scrap metal and picked up wood for the playground. Mike Ashby has also been busy here, hauling soil and working out back. Soon the entire back area will be transformed.

Today our crew cleaned, made jam, stained wood, weed whacked, mowed, planted, and removed a fence post. They really do succeed at doing it all!

If you are looking for something to do on Saturday, stop out to visit us at Harbel's Market, across Rt.14 from Firestone Farms. We'll be there with jam, cat toys, and dried herbs along with plenty of other fantastic vendors and historical items. It's worth a trip!

Starting THIS Saturday - We'll Be at the Market!

Growing Toward CSA Pick Up Days!

So exciting to see things like strawberries and leafy greens coming along!

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Check Out Our Current Newsletter Below.

Jungle Jam & Juicy Jam

Available in several flavors at Reach for the STARS in Salem and in Columbiana at the
Chamber of Commerce office. We are also glad to arrange a pick up at GG.

Jungle Jam: Blueberry Jalapeno, Cranberry Jalapeno, Hot,
Cherry Habanero, Pineapple Habanero, Dragon
Juicy Jam: Cranberry Orange, Strawberry Lemonade, Sugar Free Strawberry Blueberry

We also have:
Organic Catnip Toys ~ handmade here, with our catnip, cost - $4
Handmade Wine Cork Cat Toys ~ designed by our clients, cost - $1
Assorted Dried Herbs ~ grown & packaged here, cost - $1




Goodness Grows

The non-profit ministry of CGCC, Goodness Grows
is always busy on our property. GG works with students
and adults with disabilities, providing vocational habilitation
training in a fun, hands-on way. The GG crew maintains
the grounds and cleans the building.

If you would like to donate to our program, monetary donations as well as donations of
regular mouth 8oz. canning jars, lids, and rings are always needed.


Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc.

To Advocate, Advise, Advance the ministries
of Divine Soccer in Masaka, Uganda for the benefit
of the children of the community

Sponsorships and donations can be made to:
Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc.
1814 E. 3rd St., Salem, OH 44460
or via Pay Pal at

Learn more at: Rock Kidz Uganda and on:

Visit the Rock Kidz table in the Great Room!
Sponsors needed for new students in Masaka! Meet our children HERE.

Divine Junior School Fundraiser
RKU is raffling a coffee table made by Jason Parry to raise money for playground equipment for Divine Junior School. Check out the info on the poster by the front window in the Great Room. Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased from David or Marilee Bodendorfer.
The final day to purchase a ticket is Saturday, June 18!


Coat & Clothing (& More!) Giveaway 2022

Saturday, October 15, 9:30am-1pm

We accept clean, useable donations that could help others. Donate all year,
8:30am-2:30pm during the week or on Sunday mornings. Items can be left under
the overhang at the back of the warehouse or popped into the barrel in the Great Room.
Tell your friends & family!


For I was hungry and you gave me food;
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink;
I was a stranger and you took me in;
I was naked and you clothed me;
I was sick and you visited me.
I was in prison and you came to me.

.....When you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,
you were doing it to me.

Matthew 25: 35-36, 40


What can YOU do?



If you know of any interesting news or events,
please let us know, so that we can pass it on to others!


Outdoor Summer Movies Return to Firestone Farms

First Friday Block Party

Friday, 4-8pm, Main St. in Columbiana
Event by the Columbiana Chamber
Come dressed up as your favorite comic book characters, games for kids and adults, superheroes training center, costume contest, food vendors, bounce house, game vendors, and a photo booth! Fun for all ages.

Live In Spartan Stadium

Village Comes Alive Dutch Oven Cooking

Saturday, 9am-3pm at Beaver Creek State Park
Event by the Friends of Beaver Creek State Park & Pioneer Village
We are cooking up something good and invite you to join us. Interested in cooking up some delicious stews or cobblers to impress your fellow campers? Join Deb and John at the village for a hands on lesson from fire starting to enjoying a delicious rewarding meal. Meet behind the barn starting at 9 am where they will be teaching you how to dig the hole and to get the charcoals ready for optimum cooking. Participants are encouraged to bring a Dutch Oven and ingredients on what they would like to prepare. Charcoal will be provided and we do have a couple dutch ovens.There will be plenty of food to share afterwards for everyone to enjoy. Mill will be operating as well. As always there is no charge to participate.

June Open Storytelling

Sunday, 2pm at Firestone Park, Picnic Pavilion #3
Event by Spoken Threads Storytelling and The Way Station
Theme: Discovery.
Come to share a story. Come to hear stories from your neighbors. Featured storytellers will be from The Way Station's GLOW leadership program, which has been partnering with Spoken Threads for a storytelling unit. An open microphone so you can share your stories will follow the featured storytellers. As always we'll have music by the Conkle Brothers. Picnic style refreshments will be available. Bring a chair. More information at Columbiana Hub.



June 3 - National Donut Day
June 5 - Pentecost
June 6 - Colin Snyder
June 7 - World Caring Day
June is National Pollinators Month

*If we don't have your special days, please let us know!!!*
Email the secretary at


June 2-8, 2022 . . .
Tonight, 6:30pm - Praise Team
Friday, 9am - Ladies Bible Study
Saturday, 10am-2pm - GG at Harbel's Market
Sunday - Communion Sunday & Graduate Sunday
Sunday, 9:30am - Bible Study
Sunday, 10:15-10:45 - Fellowship Time
Sunday, 11am - In-Person & Online Worship & Collide Sunday Ministries
Sunday, 6pm - Young LifeGroup
Weekdays, 8:30am-2:30pm - GG at Work
Tuesday, 6pm - CLC Elders Meeting
Tuesday, 6:30pm - Session at Shannon's
Wednesday, 10am - Prayer Group
Wednesday, 6pm - Session Meeting

CG Logo w GreenBackground

Seeking to reflect the unconditional love of God,
our mission is to help people connect -
to God, to one another,
and to God's purpose for the world.


Come grow with us!

Common Ground Church Community
Connecting Life Church
2310 West South Range Road
North Lima, Ohio 44452


For more information, call 330-549-9408 or contact us by email at

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