بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته HTA Bulletin [Week 2, October 2016] We are pleased to present this week's bulletin, your go-

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

HTA Bulletin [Week 2, October 2016]

We are pleased to present this week's bulletin, your go-to wrap-up of the weeks news, articles and more. As we approach the 10th of Muharram we would like to remind you of an opportunity to expiate last year's minor sins:

The Prophet said: “Fasting the day of ‘Arafah I hope Allah will expiate thereby for the year before it and the year after it, and fasting the day of ‘Ashura’ I hope Allah will expiate thereby for the year that came before it.”
Narrated by Muslim

Ashura will fall on Tuesday the 9th of October this year, do your best to fast it, and the day before or after, for tremendous rewards. May Allah facilitate this deed for us all and accept it from us.


A brief portrait of Salahuddeen and the liberation of Jerusalem

Browsing through the pages of Islamic history, we come across many personalities who inspire us. There are few more loved, renowned and revered than Salahuddeen, and for good reason. His incredible attributes and feats, motivated solely by devotion to Allah, are matched only by his unique imprint upon the fabric of time.Individuals like Salahuddeen form a dazzling tapestry of courage, intelligence, honour and steadfastness. We present a brief look at his life and achievements.

Click here for the article.


Understanding that Rizq (Provision) is from Allah

As a rule of thumb, we naturally tend to worry about things that are in our possession. The two most prized possessions we tend to worry about (and we assume are ours) are our lives and wealth. But Allah tells us in the Quran that these things are not ours, for He has purchased them from us. Some people have assured themselves that Rizq, present and future, will come primarily from one’s own efforts, and living in a capitalistic framework encourages us to adopt a materialistic view towards the world. People often feel they are solely responsible for creating their own wealth and opportunities. We present this important reminder that provision is, indeed, from Allah.

Click here for the full article.


Hope in Allah and not giving up on His Mercy

In a time when holding onto the Deen and commandments of Allah (swt) can be difficult, one is ever more prone to falling into sin and temptation. At times, one’s weakness can be a cause for giving up hope and falling into a cycle of negativity. The following is a compendium of evidences from the Kitaab and Sunnah for having hope in Allah (swt) & not despairing in His Mercy – the extent this is emphasized, the consequences of falling into hopelessness and just how great and encompassing the Mercy of Allah (swt) really is.

Click here for the article.


Israel hits Gaza with over 30 airstrikes

This week "Israel" conducted over 30 air strikes on Gaza, destroying many homes and buildings.

Click here for more.


The Significance of Hijra

The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia, (Women's Section) put together a short video this week on the significance of Hijra.

Click here to watch the clip.


HT Australia is now on Telegram!

Please join our channel and spread the word (you need to have the Telegram app). Insha Allah we'll be sharing beneficial updates, news, reminders and knowledge from time to time.

Please do spread the word, and we look forward to seeing you there. Insha Allah you find our broadcasts beneficial and relevant.


ht.australia | When we say we have entered the year 1438 AH, what does that mean?
It means it's 1438 lunar years since the Prophet migrated from his #hometown of #Makkah to his Caliphate in Al-#Madinah. This transition was one of the greatest turning points in #Seerah for #Islam and #Muslims, so much so Umar Al-Khattab decided to make it the #first year of the Muslim #calendar.

The impact the #Caliphate gave as a vehicle for conveying Islam for the final 10 years of prophethood vastly outperformed the 13 years in Makkah. For instance, despite it being the same message and same messenger, the response of the Quraysh was very different upon the conquest of Makkah. The difference was that a positive public opinion for Islam was culminated and the barriers of accepting Islam (torture, boycott etc) no longer existed. Hence we saw the people entering the deen in their trobes! "Umar set the Islamic calendar according to the Hijrah and did NOT set it according to the birthday of the Prophet as Ahl-ul-Kitaab did with Esaa ﷺ, to teach us that our Ummah, is an Ummah of action and not just emotion." (Shaikh Abdul Aziz Al-Tarefe)
