June 15th, 2021
We are about to experience a very powerful, and profound, moment as believers in Canada.
Just moments ago I finished a live stream with one of our precious, and honoured, spiritual fathers Chief Kenny Blacksmith.
Chief Blacksmith is a survivor of the residential schools and has led a movement of First Peoples individuals who have chosen to walk in forgiveness and reconciliation on this very hard issue.
God has given Chief Blacksmith a vision this Father's Day and National Indigenous Persons Day and we have felt, with all our hearts, to respond in support.
His vision is very powerful and needed at this time.
Chief Kenny is calling believers from sea to sea to RETURN to the Lord by building an altar of worship in their personal hearts, homes and communities. He believes that it is only out of this place that we can see our wounds as a nation healed and full potential released. We believe with him.
On Father's Day (online) at 6:30pm ET Chief Blacksmith and other fathers in our nation will share their hearts with us and lead us in communion.
On National Indigenous Persons Day (online and on location) at 3pm ET Chief Blacksmith, and other indigenous leaders with him, will lead the nation in rebuilding an altar before the Lord. Chief Blacksmith is also calling us to fast to prepare our hearts.
After this we will gather again on Canada Day to pray for our nation.
Robert and I want to invite you to join us in wholeheartedly backing Chief Blacksmith in this important call, and moment, for our nation.
Click here or on the yellow button below to register to receive your link to participate.
TheCRY movement is administratively serving The Return.