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News & Quick-bits - 13 February 2023


Agaricus muscarius (Agar.)

Are you tired of twitches, jerks, tics, cramps and spasms? Are these symptoms worsened by thunderstorms or sexual intercourse? You might need Agaricus. Read more & Comment


REMINDER: FREE Phone Support

Our phone and zoom support gives you the opportunity to ask homeopathic questions, discuss potential remedies, learn how to take remedies, and more. It's free!
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Remedies for Radiation Sickness

How does homeopathy help with radiation sickness or poisoning? Cadm-i, Phosphorus, and Stront-c are some of the remedies to consider. Read more & Comment


Homeopathy for Hysteria

Hypersensitivity, facial flushing, gasping uncontrollable laughing, fainting, paralysis, weeping and shrieking – they’re all symptoms of hysteria and homeopathy can help. Read more | Comment


Bladder Issues & Homeopathy

It's a fact of life - the human body leaks. The good doctors from HUK share remedies and stories of how homeopathy helps bladder infections, incontinence and bed-wetting. Read more | Comment



Offer 1: Hypericum Perforatum (Hyper.) 30C Pills – 70% Off!
Build your homeopathy kit with this week's $5.00 remedy and simple how-to-use info. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Off 7 Different Dental Complexes
Blends of frequently used remedies for gum abscess, sensitive teeth, grinding, tartar, and more. More info | Buy now

Offer 3: Save $4.00 on 'Beyond Flat Earth Medicine' Book
The perfect way to answer friend's and family's questions about homeopathy. More info | Buy now

Offers end at midnight on Monday, 13th February, 2023 (UTC/GMT -8 hours) Read More


Previous Stories...


Video: Homeopathy for Multiple Diseases and Antibiotic Resistance

People on 7 - 8 drugs have an 80% risk of adverse reactions. Homeopathy offers a safer option. Read more & Comment


Recovering from Heartbreak

It would be wonderful if relationships always ended pleasantly but, people being people, that's not always the case. Homeopathy can help with the emotional fallout. Read more & Comment


Four Remedies for Broken Bones

Key remedies help the initial bleeding, bruising, swelling, and pain while others assist with the longer process of bone repair, and even the strengthening of weak or brittle bones. Read more | Comment


Remedies for Trichotillomania

It's a long name for the obsessive-compulsive disorder of hair pulling. Here's a list of remedies that frequently help when they match other co-existing symptoms. Read more | Comment


From the Archives...


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