Dear ones! Fellow travelers on the journey!
It’s been awhile, I know...
I’ve been taking my time, using my time, losing my time (if I'm feeling sorry for myself), even though I can't really 'lose' time. I have no choice but to spend it, well or badly. I've been trying to figure something out, dancing in a perfect circle because one of my feet is nailed to the floor. There is rhythm and a backbeat. The backbeat says, "Woman, you can’t figure it out. You have to do it; you have to be it. You have to LET GO of figuring it out. Perfect circles are not for you..."
I’ve been listening to my body. Maybe my body has been speaking more loudly than usual. Or maybe my body has been trying to hit me over the head with a two-by-four.
Bodies know so much, even though they don't always do what we want, especially as we get older. In addition to all the other cool stuff bodies do, like being our #1 tool for getting around, and self-expression, they are a seismograph that registers and records experience in ways that may not be perceivable by mind. Bodies are our black boxes. They contain crucial information. And you don't have to die in a crash before you access that information.
Paying attention to what my body says requires a certain stillness, a certain acceptance, a certain trust. Doing this does not disenfranchise my mind; it just asks it to listen. To stop interrupting. To stop human-splaining.