in over out under through Sean Riley & Jessica Slaven Jan 7 - Feb 6, 2016 Reception: Fri, Jan 15, 6-8 pm Gallery 263 Hello All Happy New Year!


in over out under through

Sean Riley & Jessica Slaven

Paper Shield  l

Paper Shield l, 2015 acrylic & colored pencil on paper, nails 39" x 23.5" 1.5"

Jan 7 - Feb 6, 2016

Reception: Fri, Jan 15, 6-8 pm

Gallery 263

Hello All
Happy New Year!

Proud to announce an exhibition with my good friend Jessica Slaven of new, colorful and visually charged abstract works on paper at Gallery 263 in Cambridge, MA.

In our work the processes of weaving, unweaving, embroidering, dyeing, and sewing—typically reserved for fabrics and fiber—have come to inhabit our drawing and painting practices. I have used inherited clothing to create quilts and embroidered pieces, and have since moved towards examining the weave structure of fabric and translating it into 2-D. Sewing was integral to Jessica’s sculptural work, and for four years she built her career as a commercial textile designer, weaving and putting textiles into production. Now, she adapts those skills and experiences for painting.

Gallery Hours​: W-Sa/12-7pm
263 Pearl Street Cambridge, MA 02139



three times seven


Saturday mornings from 9am - 1pm I open my studio in tandem with the indoor winter farmer's market here in Pawtucket, RI

Each week I make a new group of work for Saturday's exhibit

Please visit and/or check out pics from the past 7 weeks

This week's show will feature collaborative work being made right now with artist David Hazlett


Finally, I have joined the social media landscape - if you are so inclined you can now follow me by clicking the icons below.

Happy New Year!
Till soon,
