20190528 091959 Fraser Island DSZ 5751

Thursday11 June 7:00PM - NIK revisited - new NIK Collection 3 - FreeWebinar

Hi Everyone,

Thursday 11 June 7:00PM (Bookings close at 6:00PM Thursday evening)

We're going to revisit the NIK Collection tonight. It hasn't been a that long since 'Let's Explore the NIK Collection' but there are enough new features to justify a revisit including a new and streamlined Photoshop interface, re-editable edits after saving and a whole lot more.

Click the NIK Collection 3 - 30% off offer to purchase and upgrade or download a trial.

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Friday 12 June 7:00PM - Advanced Photoshop Hidden Gems - New 2020 features - $20.00 event registration

Reptile and Frog-1-2

Friday 12 June 7:00PM (Bookings close at 6:00PM Friday evening)

On Friday night we look at all the new Photoshop 2020 features as well as many more that may have slipped under your radar..

We'll have a look at the new tools that will help you achieve more in your post processing

Not only will you achieve more but you'll do it with considerably more ease as Photoshop continues to improve 'user friendliness'.

To book your spot follow this link to the Trekabout website 'Webinar Booking' page and reserve a position. Here is the link RESERVE . I'll shoot you an invoice (where applicable) and an email well prior to the event with all the ZOOM logon details.

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Private Tuition and Consultation

I am also offering private online consultation and tuition at reduced rates (no travel time required) so that you can make better use of your time at home. I've done a number of these already and the results are terrific. It is amazing how much can be covered in a half-day session or even an hour to help get you on track.

Whether it's sorting out your Lightroom catalogue, sorting out your camera settings or some in-depth post-processing guidance, we can do it all on-line.

Give me a call on 0459221678 or email for more details.


Camera Pro

I'll have some great news soon regarding workshop collaboration with Camera Pro. I have been a long time supporter of Camera Pro and they remain my first choice for equipment and excellent customer service. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, Camera Pro have now introduced a new non-contact method of checking out the gear you may be interested in.

Click on the picture above or give them a call on tel:1300 431 431

Of course, normal online shopping is still available at www.camerapro.com.au

So until next time, please stay stay safe and I'll hope to see you online soon.



Live, Laugh, Photograph

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