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New Case Studies 

Two new studies on Canadian state and the impact of its actions on dissent and civil society abroad

Excellon-Ejidataios of La Sierrita

Blackfire Explorations & the the Canadian Embassy in Mexico

From 2007 to 2010, the Canadian Embassy in Mexico failed to properly investigate numerous and consistent human and environmental rights complaints surrounding the mine operated by Calgary-based Blackfire Ltd. in Chiapas, Mexico. Before, during and after the conflict, the Embassy actively supported Blackfire, including advocating for the company with Mexican authorities. This contributed to a quickly escalated situation that ultimately led to the death of an anti-mining activist among other consequences. Policy implications for the Liberal government.
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Excellon Resources & the the Canadian Embassy in Mexico

The Canadian Embassy in Mexico supported and prioritized the private business interests of Excellon Resources, a Toronto-based mining company, and failed to properly investigate repeated complaints from affected community members and workers. When community members engaged in peaceful protests, the Canadian embassy helped Excellon pressure both Mexican state and federal authorities to forcefully remove protestors with armed security forces, including military officers. Policy implications for the Liberal government.
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Consult our website for other recent case studies


Recent Updates & Other Developments

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UPDATE: Omar Khadr

The Canadian government officially apologized to Omar Khadr and announced a settlement ($10.5 million). The settlement comes seven years after a unanimous Supreme Court of Canada decision that found that the Canadian government was complicit in the violation of Mr. Khadr’s rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Consult our update and the case study for the full background and timeline.

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Access to Information

The Liberal government tabled a bill to reform the Access to Information Act that does little to promote access.

Refer to our in-depth case study here for a full background, starting in 2011 with various updates over the last years.

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Coalition Objects to Renewed Calls for Weaker Encryption

Voices-Voix signed onto a letter alongside 83 other organizations and experts from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA, urging the 'Five Eyes' governments to encourage strong encryption, which is necessary for privacy and security.
Read here


Relevant Reports

Photo M.KIAI SR Freedom of association

Mapping the Achievements of Civil Society

Report by Maina Kiai, former UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, to the United Nations Human Rights Council.
In his final thematic report, Maina Kiai addresses: Has civil society made the world a better place? Where and when has civil society made concrete and identifiable achievements? What would the world look like without civil society?
Read here

Mowat report - enabling environment

Laying the Groundwork for Charity Regulatory Reform in Canada

Mowat Centre provides a resource for the federal government and nonprofit and charitable sector to develop a modern federal policy framework. The framework focuses on enabling the sector and strengthening its ability to improve quality of life in Canada and abroad. Read here


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