
Hello, Friends!

IABTechLab Measurement Standards Compliant Seal

IAB Certified

It’s finally here! We are thrilled to cap off 2018 with the official stamp of approval from the Interactive Advertising Bureau Tech Lab with the Podcast Statistics certification label. For those of you not in the loop, we’ve been working vigorously this year through the new certification process as part of the IAB Compliance Program for podcasting statistics. We are the first podcast provider to do so and are ecstatic to be able to provide measurements that are considered the gold-standard industry-wide. You can read about it here.



Our tried and true month-long podcast equipment giveaway is back! It started Tues, Dec. 18 day and runs until Jan. 16, so head on over to our social media channels (mainly Facebook) and enter yourself into the daily posts. Winners are chosen at random and only U.S. citizens 18 and older are eligible. You can read the terms here.

2019 Expectations

At any given time we have numerous projects being worked on here. Obviously, not all of those can be released before the end of the year. We’ll be finishing up some, such as advertising insertion, some services features bugs, and a few we can’t tell you about in the first part of 2019. Meantime, we want to know what you want from Blubrry in 2019. What can we provide you that we are not already doing to continue being the best possible podcast provider out there? We’ll be making a list and taking notice of all ideas, so don’t hold back. Use the feedback option in our contact form or contact your favorite Blubrry team member to let us know. Thanks in advance!

Mexico - Stats

New Stats Features

On back to the topic of statistics, they’re super important and we try to provide as much information as possible to our users. That’s why we recently added two new features: additional geographic data and hourly reporting. Mexico and Germany details have been added, DMA regions for the U.S and hourly reporting for seven days for new episodes are now available. Take a look at your stats or get more info on our blog.

Holiday Delays

As one can expect, we’ll be out for a few days and, in general, support will be a little slow in the upcoming weeks. Don’t worry, we’ll still be around, but replying slower than normal and most likely not answering phones as often. Come Jan. 2, we’ll be back in full swing. Keep in mind, Apple is also on a holiday schedule so don’t be surprised or worried if you don’t hear back right away.

Out of office:
Christmas Eve - Afternoon

New Years Eve - Afternoon
New Years Day

Todd's Corner

First and foremost Happy Holidays from the Blubrry family to yours. December has been an exciting month so far and, just like last year, we are kicking off another 30 days of gifts with the #BuildYourBlubrry giveaway on social.

We finally get to say we’re IAB Certified and it is a sweet feeling. In the coming days, all categories of pro stats customers will be fully IAB certified. We have to flip a few switches, but you will soon have a competitive advantage as being on an IAB Podcast Measurement Certified platform -- use this in your marketing. We will have more details for you in the coming days.

With the IAB certification complete, I want to extend an invitation to those networks and podcast hosts who have no pathway to certification, we can save you tens of thousands of dollars, manpower and time by working with our team. Please have a conversation with the team here -- our enterprise offering can get you to certification quickly.

We are now head-down on what is really important, making the Blubrry podcasting experience more user-friendly for both podcasters and listeners. Lots ahead. Strap in while we get this sleigh loaded up for these Christmas deliveries.



A very Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and New Year to all!

Thank you,
The Blubrry Team

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