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Unique Chord Voicings is Here!

Tired of playing the same, tired-sounding chords over and over? I can help you with that!

Unique Chord Voicings will be launched to only Site Members on May 18, 2020!

I have created a PDF download of all 32 Unique Voicings lessons from the last 2-and-a-half years of monthly Master Guitar School newsletters. The PDF contains:

▪ 32 lessons
▪ 155 pages
▪ 1,303 Fretboard diagrams
▪ 35 video links
32 lessons
155 pages
1,303 Fretboard diagrams
35 video links

It has taken almost 3 years to codify the material contained in the PDF I am getting ready to offer you and I am very excited about it; as far as I know there is nothing else like it!

Click on the image below for more info, including a demonstration of 16 different uniquely-voiced chords using just 2 simple shapes - and how to use them:

Pertinent Blogs:

Altered States - Unique Voicings
Unique Voicings Are Coming!
Unique Voicings Will Launch Soon!

Leave comments/questions on the blogs or contact me - I'll personally respond if needed.


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