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Featured Candidates & Positions

August 2018

Welcome Back,

We hope you are all having a great August so far. Here at Tier One headquarters, the summer heat seems to be relentless but this hasn't dampened our excitement to welcome our newest team member, Elliott Duda. So for this month's newsletter, we share a brief interview with Elliott so we can all get to know him better. But first, see our featured candidates and featured positions. Thanks for reading.


Featured Candidates for Employers

Candidate Profile 1: Director of Supply Chain APAC

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This candidate is a multilingual China-based Supply Chain leader with a Degree in Materials and Logistics Management. This person is a leader with significant accomplishments in commodity and program purchasing management including the successful start up of a Regional APAC Sourcing office and team. This candidate has extensive experience in the development and implementation of APAC commodity strategies including strong Asian supplier partnerships that support manufacturing strategies. Skilled in leading, training and performing in challenging global organizations including developing and promoting processes and disciplines where execution and delivery of objectives are critical. Call +1-313-887-8300 ex. 102 or email for more information.

Candidate Profile 2: Operational Human Resources Manager

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This candidate is an outstanding HR professional who has led efforts for sites up to 1100 headcount (union and non-union). This person has been a trusted business partner to plant general managers for the global manufacturing company. This candidate also has some limited international experience and would consider an expatriate assignment, or could relocate anywhere in the USA. This candidate has developed some creative programs to combat technical recruitment and training problems on the floor. Please contact or call 519.258.1844 ext. 102 for more information.


Featured Positions for Job Seekers

North American Purchasing Manager - $5 Billion, global manufacturer

This key position will be based in Eastern USA and will report to the Divisional Vice President of Operations. In this role you will lead a team of purchasing professionals for engineered product programs. The company is an outstanding, 150 year old manufacturing and technology company. Please apply if you have either an engineering degree, or years of experience with engineered product applications. Email for more details or call 313-887-8300 ex.106.

Plant General Manager - $2 Billion consumer product manufacturer

This position is based in the southern USA and reports to a regional COO. You will have full autonomy to run this 24/7 operation. This is a newly acquired facility with a broad customer base and product line up. You will create the successful team and set the tone of this business from day one. Email for more details or call 313-887-8300 ex.102.

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Welcome Aboard Elliott!


We recently welcomed another talented individual to the Tier One team. We would like to take this time to introduce Elliott Duda, Global Fulfillment Manager, Windsor Ontario native and golf enthusiast. With a degree in Education, 2 years of classroom experience and 10 years of sales experience, helping people better themselves has always been a driving factor for Elliott. He graciously allowed us to pick his brain about this new step in his career and share the insights. Thank you Elliott.

Q. You have been working with Tier One Executive Search for a few weeks now. What are your first impressions? How is it going so far?

A. My time with Tier One is going great so far. I have really strived to find myself in a position in my career that I could feel that I was helping people. That is why I found myself drawn to teaching. In my first month with Tier One, I have found myself thanked for helping someone better their career, or put a spark of passion back into their profession. The amount of care that Tier One takes to make sure that each client is hiring the best possible candidate, and that the position and company are the best possible career paths for the candidates is outstanding. I am really impressed and very proud to be part of this team.

Q. Have you had much exposure to the recruiting industry before joining Tier One?

A. I was recruited to my last position by a recruiter. She called me out of the blue and did the initial assessment and interview to prepare me for my career with that company. It was a good experience, the recruiter really helped me to understand what I was getting myself into. On the other hand, I have had dealings with other recruiters that were extremely pushy and gave more of a sales pitch rather than tried to find out if their particular opportunity would be beneficial for me.

Q. What were your perceptions of recruiting before joining forces with Tier One Executive Search?

A. I had assumed that recruiters were there for the client, just trying to find the right employee, rather than making sure it was a mutually beneficial deal.

Q. What do you anticipate being the biggest reward working in the recruiting industry?

A. I am excited to learn more about the manufacturing industry and of course being able to positively impact the career path or the individuals we work with on a daily basis.

Q. What do you anticipate will be the biggest learning curve working in the recruiting industry?

A. I think that having very limited technical experience in the manufacturing industry I may at times find it hard to connect with candidates on a professional level.

Q. Out of all your skill sets, which one(s) do you think will be utilized the most in the day-to-day tasks of recruiting?

A. I believe that I will be harnessing my educational background the most in my recruitment career. I will need to educate the candidate about the potential benefits of a new career path. I will need to educate the client on the skill sets of the candidates and what they can bring to the table for their company. The most important aspect of education though, is relationship building. You cannot teach anyone anything unless there is an element of trust and empathy set in place. I hope to bridge my relationships with clients and candidates by fostering an environment of trust and transparency.

Q. In your opinion, what are some of the best ways for a company to make a new employee feel welcome?

A. Make them feel like they are a contributing factor to the team right away. Any new employee worth their weight wants to hit the ground running. Make sure they are able to have meaningful responsibilities and goals soon after their hire. Routines and rituals, along with clear communication and goals gives a new hire the feeling of security to go through the learning process without the fear of wrong turns or irreparable mistakes.


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