Stories, Tips and Resources   ||   Issue #5, July 2015 Dear Reader, Welcome to the fifth issue of Good Chi News. Just made the deadline for publishi

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Stories, Tips and Resources   ||   Issue #5, July 2015

ChrisB thb

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the fifth issue of Good Chi News. Just made the deadline for publishing this issue - I've been busy preparing and promoting our upcoming Brisbane Chair Chi workshops.

But I made sure this time around I got in some couch time after a couple of 7-day working weeks. I am looking forward to the 8-day week so I can have some extra time off. ;)

Chris Bennett

Chris Chi

Dementia: 'We Still Are People"

Here's a moving short clip on the 'unspoken effect of dementia'.

One of the quotes in the clip that resonated with me comes from a person who has dementia:


'We still are people
we still have feelings
we still have emotions
we can still contribute to society'.

As the clip says, 'every Australian should see this'.

I'm not Alfred Hitchcock


I'll never be another Alfred Hitchcock but I certainly had fun interviewing staff and residents at my Chair Chi sessions.

Ray, a friend of mine from the Knox Photographic Society, brought his cameras along and did the technical side of things while I ran the workshop and conducted the interviews.

I'm producing a short promotional clip on Chair Chi - with permission from the two major aged care centres where I run Chair Chi workshops for residents.

Now the fun begins - editing several hours into a 3-5 minute clip!

Not the E word!


Here's a quiz for those who work in aged care.

What's the one word, beginning in E, has 8 letters, that can wipe a smile off a resident's face?

I'll reveal the answer in the next issue and discuss how I try to avoid the E word as much as I can.

Very Good Chi: Damian and Kwiba


Watch what happens when conservationist Damian Aspinall meets Kwiba, a lowland Gorilla.

Kwiba grew up with Damien and after spending 5 years apart they meet again.

A touching reunion.

Brisbane: Upcoming Chair Chi Training Workshops


Ideal for lifestyle staff, physiotherapists, carers, diversional therapists, volunteers and health trainers.

This comprehensive training program teaches you how to deliver Chair Chi sessions for low and high care residents in a safe and practical way.

Workshop Details
Fee: $352 (includes GST) per workshop - includes comprehensive work book/manual
Location: Queensland Council of Social Service Ltd (QCOSS) River Tower, Ground floor, 20 Pidgeon Close, West End

Dates: Mon 17 August (Level 1), Tue 18 August (Level 2)

An alternative option is to consider onsite training at a convenient date. Please contact me for details.

Here's what one aged care staff member recently said about Chair Chi when she ran it for the first time for her residents.
'Our residents are enjoying their new Chair Chi sessions and are very enthusiastic - they look forward to exercises on a Thursday and are seen performing some of the skills when walking up the corridor'!
Jennie Guthrie

Further details here.

Numbers are limited so book online now to guarantee a place in the workshop/s.

Starlink: Resource for Busy People


Here's another resource that you may find useful.

Sue James, my business colleague, produces a monthly e newsletter that is packed with food for thought, inspiration and resources for busy people.

The July issue features:
- Dynamic Dementia Project
- Laughter - Things You Knew and Some You Didn't
- A Failure to Communicate
- Resources for Teachers

It's a good quick read, check it out here.
