August 1st, 2015 It is with heavy hearts that we report to you that earlier this week it was announced that Health Canada has approved RU-486 (the co

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August 1st, 2015


It is with heavy hearts that we report to you that earlier this week it was announced that Health Canada has approved RU-486 (the controversial abortion pill). Unless reversed this could dramatically increase Canada's annual abortion rate, which is already conservatively estimated at 100,000 lives a year.

In a statement issued by MP David Anderson on July 30th, he explained that the RU-486, " not only lethal to preborn infants, but is associated with 19 adult deaths in 11 years. While RU-486 is promoted as a safe and effective abortifacient, it is neither. It is a dangerous combination of drugs that destroys a woman’s tissues in the womb in order to kill her preborn child. As uterine tissue is chemically degraded, the child dies. The second round of drugs is equally aggressive, causing massive muscle spasms and uterine contractions, resulting in the expulsion of the fetus and bleeding." He then went onto state, "I am extremely disappointed that Health Canada would see this as acceptable to Canadians."

We believe that likely all of us would agree with MP David Anderson's statements. Click here to read his entire statement.

Click here to a read Lifesitenew article regarding the announcement.
Click here to read a Huffington Post article regarding the announcement.
Click here to read a CBC article regarding the announcement.

What you can do about it:

In light of this announcement, we would like to encourage you to take immediate action. Please share with the Government of Canada that you disagree with this decision that that you feel it should be revoked.

Thankfully there are some very easy tools available to help you do just this.

1 - USE ARPA CANADA'S EASY E-MAIL TOOL: Please click here to use a very easy tool that has been set up by ARPA Canada to help you send a pre-written letter to your MP. This e-mail will also be sent to the Minister of Health, Rona Abrose.

4 - SIGN THE PETITION: Lifesitenews has begun an on-line petition. Please take a moment to sign it now.

3 - SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS: One of the most important things you can do is share this information with your pro-life friends so they can take action as well. Together we are a force and if we all take action we can make a real difference. Please click here to get an on-line version of this e-mail to share on your Facebook, Twitter or other social media streams.

4 - PRAY: Please join us in praying that this decision will be revoked. Please also take this important issue to your prayer groups and ask them to pray as well.

If you are not already a part of the Justice Prayer Wall to pray for the ending of abortion, we encourage you to sign up for your weekly 15 minute prayer slot today and be a part of the on-going fight to end abortion. Click here to go to the Justice Wall site now.

Lastly we also encourage you to attend TheCRY Montreal, a national solemn assembly on Sept. 12th. At TheCRY Montreal believers will gather to humble themselves before God and pray for Canada at this critical time. The topic of abortion will be on the prayer agenda. Click here to find out more about TheCRY Montreal.


There is a very high probability that the federal election campaign will be called as early as this weekend.

Many leaders, both secular and Christian, are saying that this is the most important election Canada has seen in some time. We agree.

To help you make an impact on this upcoming election and exercise your civic rights and responsibilities we have launched a special website outlining 10 easy things you can do. The site is Please check it out and share it with your friends.


Faytene Grasseschi of MY Canada shares from the streets of Jerusalem about the importance of this election & invites you to upcoming events.


Rob Parker of the National House of Prayer shares about an important resource he created to help equip Canadians to be a voice in this upcoming election.


Bill Prankard of BPEA shares practical things we can do in this upcoming election to make a difference.


Patricia King of XP Media shares prophetic perspective on the upcoming election and the importance of intercession.


Stacey and Wesley Campbell of Be A Hero share regarding the importance of this upcoming election & prayer.




MY Canada is hosting national prayer conference calls every second Tuesday at noon EST from now until the election.

The next call is August 4th, 2015 .

If you would like to participate in these calls please click here and add your name to the Keep Our Land e-list.


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