New Year, New You, New Face, New Services! Cheers! We may not have clinked glasses on New Year's Eve, but I'm sending you a Champagne Toast filled wi

New Year, New You, New Face, New Services!

Cheers! We may not have clinked glasses on New Year's Eve, but I'm sending you a Champagne Toast filled with a New Hope for 2017! Whatever goals you might have set for yourself, I sincerely hope you have a little bit of time to spend on your skin!
Ring in with a glowing complexion and skincare routine that will noticeably change the texture of your skin within a few weeks!

Here are some New things to look forward to:
* New Year Facial - $80
Pomegranate & Vanilla Treatment Mask to Exfoliate & Hydrate the Skin.
MicroPen Serum Therapy to help the absorption of Serums for a smooth finish.
Relaxing Aromatherapy to erase negative tension.

Champagne & Caviar Facial ~ Available in February~ $120
Will drench the skin in exotic hydration of caviar, Himalayan hemp, and Mediterranean mastika. Smoothes & softens appearance with brightening vitamin C and posh pomegranate. Repairs dry/dehydrated skin, strengthens compromised, irritated skin. For all skin ages.
Hot Stone Massage~ this relaxing service helps blood circulation, reducing stress, and can relieve chronic pain. Will be available toward the end of January for $85 for 50 min.

Keep updated by checking the Soleil Aesthetics website where I post new services on my Blog!

Need an Energy Boost?

Try this post holiday, detoxifying recipe created by Chef Eric Olsen from Paso Robles, California. It is called the Spirulina Smoothie and features the properties of spirulina, a blue green algae that helps cleanse the body and helps energize you for the day! This fun blue recipe is a vegan-friendly, gluten free drink that can also ward off colds & flus!

Spirulina Smoothie

Yields two 6-oz servings
2 cups sliced frozen bananas
3/4 cup apple cider
2 tsp. spirulina powder
1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. blue agave
*Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. If mixture is too thick, add 1/4 cup of apple cider and continue to mix to a smooth consistency. Pour into glasses and dress it up with an edible flower or banana slices!

At Home Exfoliation

Dead skin cells often need a little help to slough off. A skin exfoliant with ingredients like an alpha hydroxy acid or a beta hydroxy acid can leave you looking fresh and feeling smooth again.Our skin is constantly renewing itself, growing new skin cells to replace the surface skin cells that grow old, die, and fall, or slough, off. Every minute of every day, between 30,000 and 40,000 dead skin cells flake away.

Factors like age and dry skin can mean that dead skin cells don’t fall away as easily as they should. When these cells build up, they can make the complexion look rough and pasty and can also contribute to the clogged pores that lead to adult acne. The regular yet careful use of a skin exfoliant can help slough off dead skin cells and uncover fresh, more youthful skin.

There are two main types of skin exfoliants: mechanical exfoliants and chemical exfoliants. Both are commonly available, and both have pros and cons regarding their use and the types of skin conditions for which they are most appropriate.

Mechanical Skin Exfoliants

Mechanical exfoliants work by sanding off dead skin cells using mildly abrasive substances. These skin exfoliants typically are facial scrubs, creamy cleansers with tiny, rough particles. As you gently massage the exfoliant over the surface of your face and skin, the friction works to loosen the old skin cells.However, mechanical exfoliants can be harsh. When you use them, you're literally sanding away the outer layer of your skin. Some contain particles so jagged and rough that they could actually cut the skin such at St. Ives Apricot Scrub. Because of this, dermatologists recommend using a gentle motion when using a skin exfoliant, and skipping them altogether if you have sensitive skin. I offer several FDA approved scrubs that won't cut the skin like Skinscript Raspberry Refining Scrub and Lira Clinical Mystiq Illuminating Polisher.

Chemical Skin Exfoliants

A chemical skin exfoliant uses gentle acids to dissolve whatever bonds are preventing the outer layer of dead skin cells from falling off your face and body. There are two main types of chemical skin exfoliants, those that include an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and those that include a beta hydroxy acid (BHA):

Alpha hydroxy acids are derived from different foods, from fruits, such as apples and grapes, to milk. Some of the most common AHAs to look for on product labels are glycolic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, alpha-hydroxyoctanoic acid, and triple fruit acid. An alpha hydroxy acid is best for people with dry or thickened skin.
Beta hydroxy acids are the chemical cousins of alpha hydroxy acids, but are more oil-soluble and therefore better at exfoliating oily skin or acne-prone skin. The best known beta hydroxy acid is salicylic acid. On product labels,look for salicylate, sodium salicylate, beta hydroxybutanoic acid, or tropic acid.
Alpha hydroxy acid and beta hydroxy acid skin care products tend to be less harsh on the skin than mechanical exfoliants. They also help refresh the skin in ways a facial scrub can't: They lower the skin's pH level and help smooth small, shallow wrinkles, improving the look of skin that is dry or sun damaged. I offer these forms of exfoliation called a Chemical Peel. We have different levels depending on your skin type and experience with peels. Chemical Peels offer such a difference in skin texture that people consider these before getting fillers! These types of exfoliants increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun for as long as a week after each use. Before going out, always apply sunscreen — a skin-saving recommendation for everyone.

How and When to Use Exfoliants

You should not use an exfoliant every day. Your skin needs time to regenerate its topmost layer, which exfoliation strips away. People with dry skin should only exfoliate once or twice a week, while those with oily skin can exfoliate two to four times a week.Stop using an exfoliant if you find your skin becoming irritated or developing a rash. Remember to moisturize your skin after exfoliating, to soothe it and keep it from drying out.

Chemical Peels are NOT recommended for home use as chemical percentages can be mislabeled and cause burns. Please use a professional to apply a chemical peel!

Book Your Facial, Wax, or Back Treatment for a Discount!

From Now Until January 10th, Skincare Purchases and Prepaid Services are 15% OFF!!

Services are based on scheduled appointments and prepaying offers you a wonderful service scheduled on your time.
If you don't have time for a service, I do free skincare consultations to help you choose the skincare that's right for you. You'll be surprised at the quality skincare that costs less than popular brands known among your friends but offer little results.
What have you got to lose?

For purchasing services, please visit and click on the SHOP link. Scroll down to the service category and once checking out, enter the code: NEWYEAR17.

The same code works for skincare available online!

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