Welcome to Young Living! We are so excited that you've chosen to take steps into vibrant health and wellness. Essential oils not only work well but t

Welcome to YL Lavender

Welcome to Young Living!

We are so excited that you've chosen to take steps into vibrant health and wellness. Essential oils not only work well but they're non-toxic to our body, they are friendly to our environment and the planet, and they promote emotional and physical well being.

There is a lot to learn but we're going to make it simple and guide you through the first couple of months of your new oily journey.

The easiest way to learn about the oils is to simply use them and familiarize yourself of their potential and how they can fit into your everyday life. Your Premium Starter Kit contains very versatile and basic oils with hundreds of uses.

If you’d like to join an online community on Facebook please reach out to the person who you enrolled with and ask them which Facebook groups you can get in on for their team. Our oily community is like family and you will not only have access to more resources but you'll make friendships and have a place where you can learn at your own pace and ask some questions.

OK, let's start with some helpful information...

Some Helpful Resources

Here is a short list of resources that are immensely helpful in learning about essential oils. Be sure to subscribe to these to get all the latest info!

Young Living videos on YouTube

Young Living Blog

Young Living on Facebook

Young Living on Instagram

Young Living on Twitter

Also, the following websites sell a multitude of reference materials to help you learn. By taking the time to read up on how powerful these little drops of oil are, you will be empowered to be in control of your own health. It's also a great way to research any promotional items you may receive and not know how to use.

YL Search
Life Science Publishers
Abundant Health 4 U
Sound Concepts
And certainly don't forget the Young Living Product Blog, full of the latest information, recipes, announcements, and more. Bookmark it and check back often.

Young Living Product Blog

Let's Break Out That Diffuser!

diffuser YL home diffuser

Want to learn how to use your diffuser? Of course you do! Click this link: ---> How to use the Home Diffuser

We suggest starting off a little slow with 6-8 drops instead of the suggested 10-12 drops that the care and use booklet states. Start slow and build up to more drops as you become accustomed to the essential oils. Try diffusing a few oils together, it's fun to come up with your own creative blends!

Diffuser Recipe

Need to relax and let the cares and stresses of the world slip away? Try 2-4 drops of Lemon and 3-4 drops of Lavender in your diffuser. Within minutes your mind and body will be relaxed and you might just forget about the cares of the day!

Let's Talk Common "Scents"

Common "Scents" Precautions

Therapeutic grade essential oils are potent, effective and safe when used as directed. Below are some precautionary tips to help you have an enjoyable experience using Young Living Essential Oils.

*Keep carrier oil on hand when using essential oils so you can dilute them if an oil feels too warm on your skin. Examples of carrier oils are: coconut oil, sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil and olive oil.
* "NEAT" application means you are using the oils straight from the bottle with no dilution. “Diluted" means you are combining the essential oil with a carrier oil such as one of those listed above.
• Keep bottles of essential oils tightly closed and store them in a cool location and out of reach from being played with by little ones as bottles can be dropped and broken.

TIP: Try Myrtle essential oil as a great oil for respiratory support for little ones as it has no menthol component.

tips and tricks

More Common "Scents"

Citrus oils used topically are photosensitizing and can make the skin more susceptible to a sunburn for about 24 hours after application. There’s always the option of using a non-toxic sunscreen on that area if you’ll be in the sun for an extended amount of time.
Keep essential oils away from eyes and out of ear canals. Applying to the outer ear is fine. Do not handle contact lenses or rub your eyes with essential oils on your fingers.
If essential oil gets into your eyes, soothe with a few drops of carrier or vegetable oil. DO NOT USE WATER—Why? Because oil and water do not mix. Essential oils are fat soluble so grab a fat (carrier oil) and put it on the eye. It shouldn’t damage the eye, it just stings. Carrier oils take the sting out FAST.

*Oils with a high phenol content – Oregano, Helichrysum, Cinnamon, Thyme, Clove, Lemongrass, Bergamot, Thieves, and ImmuPower – may damage contact lenses and sting eyes so make sure they’re not on your fingers when handling your contact lenses.

Some oils are considered "Hot"- this means they can be sensitizing to the skin and cause warmth, redness or discomfort. Examples of "hot" oils are: Clove, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Cinnamon Bark, Thieves, (and sometimes Lemon and other citrus oils can be warm). These oils should be used diluted instead of using them neat. They shouldn’t damage the skin, they’ll just feel “warming” and should be diluted with a carrier oil if too warm. The exception is that we don’t normally need to dilute oils on the bottoms of our feet as they don’t feel hot there.

Do your research on using with pets as some species and weights require different dilutions. Also, if an oil is hot to you it’s also going to be hot for your pet too.

keep calm follow rules

Almost Done...

• Do not add undiluted essential oils directly to bath water as they’ll just float on top since oil and water don’t mix. Instead, add your essential oil drops to a cup of epsom salts, whole milk or Young Living’s Bath Gel Base as a dispersing agent for oils in the bath helps them emulsify into the water.
• Excessive use of Peppermint may dry up breastmilk if used consistently so occasional use is better than regular use while nursing.
* Scale back on use if a detoxification effect takes place and add in Sulfurzyme supplement by Young Living.
• Epileptics and those with high blood pressure should consult their health care professional before using some essential oils. Avoid Hyssop, Fennel and Idaho Tansy oils.


Essential oils are just one building block that you can give your body to support its natural functions and optimize health and wellness. Other building blocks include getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and eating a diet rich in real, whole, clean food that is as void of GMOs, highly processed foods and as chemical free as possible.

stay tuned image

Coming Up Next

In a couple of days you'll receive another email from us. We're going to dive into the oils from the Premium Starter Kit!

Make sure you check your junk and spam folders so you don't miss any of this great information.


This information is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and are not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure disease. Information taught in this series applies ONLY to Young Living Essential Oils.
