In this edition What I've been doing Stop procrastinating, Start doing I'm asking for your help My EFT Tapping Group in Rowlands Castle I'm doing


In this edition

What I've been doing
Stop procrastinating, Start doing
I'm asking for your help
My EFT Tapping Group in Rowlands Castle
I'm doing a Webinar in June (that's the plan!)
Top Tip: How to ease irritation!

What I've been doing

Since I've come back from my travels I have been focussing on finishing my Home Study programme 'Stop procrastinating, Start doing'.

And only last week I decided to start an EFT Tapping Group in my home specifically working with Weight challenges.

My airbnb is going quite nicely. Gentle learning curves and lovely people.

I am quite excited about the Matrix Reimprinting Convention in Birmingham in September. Dr. Bruce Lipton is a key Speaker and we have him for a whole day.

Stop procrastinating, Start doing

This comprehensive programme Stop procrastinating, Start doing took quite a while and I really enjoyed the process. I ran a Pilot group which gave me valuable feedback, lovely recommendations and deeper insight into possibilities and difficulties people face when moving beyond frustration or procrastination.

I'm asking for your help

Dear Readers
I welcome help and introductions so that I can offer Stress Management Workshops, Talks or the running of a Stress management clinic to e.g.Companies, Societies, Local Council Development Programmes.

And for those in the Woo Woo World I welcome the same as I offer Emotional and Energy Healing.

The end result is the same; happier, more content and confident people, feeling more fulfilled with life.

no more buts

My Tapping Group in Rowlands Castle.

I have been procrastinating for a couple of years around running my own Tapping Group.
So Why now?
Why not - is the answer.
Making the decision took a fair wee while.
So again, Why Now? I expect the main 2 reasons are:
1. I have skills and techniques which can help you to move beyond what you may consider to be an impossible task (or whatever words you use for lack of success).
2. One has to put in the effort especially for this topic. I have had many successes and fallen by the wayside too. I know we all work better when working as part of a team; we can gain from each other and give subtle encouragement; therefore it's 'Win, Win'.
Rowlands Castle Tapping Group will not be deep unravelling of personal challenging issues which are achievable with 1-1 sessions.
The Group Sessions offer the opportunity to release stresses, frustrations and to feel more relaxed and therefore more confident. Small goals become achievable and lead onto success with larger goals..
I will share other techniques and coaching throughout the session.

Top Tip: How to ease irritation!

When something irritates choose to do ONE thing to make the necessary change.
Write down that ONE thing; stick it on the fridge and focus on that one small step.
Look at it for a week. Give it energy. See, taste, smell, touch and hear this one thing.
After one week question how do you feel about the original irritation.
You may be surprised that it holds less negative energy.
A little time and a very little effort can reap big rewards.


My first webinar

I intend running a webinar in June.
It will cover:
* EFT and Matrix Reimprinting at good sound basic level.
* The opportunity to take part in some EFT and Matrix Reimprinting.
* Focus on some of my key areas of expertise: Relationship issues, Emotional trauma, Self-Sabotage, Pregnacy and Birth Concerns and Confidence Building.
* Details of my programmes and how I can be of help to you.

I trust the shared information will be of considerable value to you.

WIshing you happiness and a jolly June.

Susan x

My book 'Survive and Thrive after Trauma' is now available on Kindle.

I also have a Home Study Programme supporting those recovering from divorce and relationship challenges: 'It's Time to MOVE ON'.
Please share this newsletter with friends.
Here is the contact form on my website or call me on 02392 410090 Mobile: 07917 680967.

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