I was so pleased to be asked to take part in this exhibition organised by Peter Ursem of Endelienta .
My love of Cornwall stems from childhood, with memories of family trips to the north coast in Autumn, where we surfed the deserted beaches for hours on our wooden belly boards, often in the rain when the sea was still warm from the Summer sun. No wet suits in those days! On my return to the West Country as an adult, I revisited my childhood haunts with my own children and also spent time with the artist, Ray Atkins, painting en plein air further down in West Cornwall. More recently I have taken part in our annual artists’ retreat at Prussia Cove which has been a constant source of inspiration.

My paintings and etchings at this Endelienta show reflect all those memories and experiences.

If you want to see our work - please don't procrastinate! The display is not open on weekdays and so there are only two weekends left for you to take advantage of. For directionsclick here.


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