Hi! How are you? I have made it through my first week in this walking boot and lived to tell the tale. It's not that bad really, but I'll be glad to b

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Hi! How are you? I have made it through my first week in this walking boot and lived to tell the tale. It's not that bad really, but I'll be glad to be done. Only 3-7 weeks to go...

Today I have a fun roundup of 12 Meatball Recipes for you! Some of them are for meatballs made from scratch, and others are recipes using premade meatballs as a time saver. I am sure you will find at least a couple in the list that you want to try (unless you are a vegetarian, and then I'm sorry)!

12 meatball recipes

In case you missed this in Monday's email: If you are a subscriber but still get an occasional popup window asking you to subscribe, I think if you visit this link you should never get it again: http://wearychef.com/thank-you-for-subscribing/. Thanks!

Enjoy the rest of your day, and I'll talk to you on Friday!


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