Contents 1. Homeopathy at the animal shelter2. Homeopathy vs. Naturopathy3. Doctor offers free homeopathy frequencies for Ebola4. Dyshidrosis help

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1. Homeopathy at the animal shelter
2. Homeopathy vs. Naturopathy
3. Doctor offers free homeopathy frequencies for Ebola
4. Dyshidrosis helped by homeopathy – Betty’s Story
5. Highest support for Indian homeopathy
6. Tim Ferriss looks at homeopathy
7. Why the homeopathic aggravations?
8. Treating plants with homeopathy
9. Information About Our Information
10. Stay in contact


1. Homeopathy at the animal shelter

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Maneka Ghandi divides her time between running an animal shelter and working as a parliamentarian. She writes an interesting article for Mizo News in which she tells how homeopathy has helped many of the animals. Read what happened when it was used for:

Baby, a big black cat, who licked her abdomen raw and bloody (diagnosed as Feline Endrocine Alopecia)
An eight-year-old cat came with conjunctivitis, photophobia, spasms of the lids, and a puritic, discharging otitis.
Heidi, a 14 year old spayed female with a growth on her right eye that looked red and angry (local vet said “cancerous”.)
Dudley, a 15 year old neutered male Yorkie with kidney problems.

More Information: Homeopathy treatment works for pet dogs


2. Homeopathy vs. Naturopathy


Have you ever wondered what the difference is between homeopathy and naturopathy? Susan Giles and Joe Kellerstein explain it in this video and article.

More Information: Homeopathy vs. Naturopathy


3. Doctor offers free homeopathy frequencies for Ebola


Those unfamiliar with homeopathy may be shocked to learn its effects are transferred via a number of mediums other than little sugar pills or drops of liquid; as it is a form of 'information' medicine (time to brush up on your physics!), frequencies have also been used.

Now, physician Bill Gray reports that potential treatment and prophylactic remedies for ebola have been prepared as electronic frequencies that can be received via a mobile phone or over the internet.

He says:

"There are a few homeopathic remedies capable of stimulating the body to enhance its own functioning on every level - immune system, circulatory system, energy, organ function, psyche. If used properly, these eRemedies are nontoxic and may rapidly enhance recovery through improved functioning. eRemedies are MP3 files that play for only 10 sec at a time. Download speed depends on internet speed, so please be patient. Once the file is downloaded, simply click on the Start/Play button. You will hear just white noise as the homeopathic remedy energy is played in order to stimulate the body to heal itself."

If you would like to try this approach, visit his website (, read the information and follow the instructions... and you may like to pass the link on to others.

When using this technology, please remember to report your results via the contact email on the website as feedback is vital.

More Information: Homeopathy remedies as audio signals


4. Dyshidrosis helped by homeopathy – Betty’s Story


Betty says: “I’m not sure how/what led to my horrible dyshidrosis experience/nightmare. I think it may have been the perfect storm of stress, taking penicillin for a root canal, wearing latex gloves when playing with our dog (to “protect” my already dry skin) which resulted in sweaty hands, and foolishly using “regular” hand and dish soap while staying at someone’s house for two weeks. I have a history of eczema and skin issues so it didn’t shock me when my right palm became very dry…”

More information: Dyshidrosis helped by homeopathy – Betty’s Story


5. Highest support for Indian homeopathy


The Chief (Prime) Minister of India, Narendra Modi, inaugurated the recent national homeopathy conference at Gandhinagar and called on homeopaths to create an atmosphere of trust for the therapy. His website says, "There should not be a question of conflict between allopathy, ayurveda and homeopathy. All the three systems of treatment have some best things in them," and then goes on to mention the relationship of teething to malnutrition in his country's children - and how homeopathy could help. With homeopathy thriving in India, and its therapeutic use extending to areas well beyond those of teething, its future looks bright.

More Information: CM inaugurates national homeopathy conference in Gandhinagar


6. Tim Ferriss looks at homeopathy


Tim Ferriss, author of the 4 Hour Work Week, has been experimenting with homeopathic Arnica - and was surprised to find he healed faster with the 30C potency pills than his normal 'go to' Arnica cream. Since then he has been scratching his head as to how this could be and has turned to some alternative canards regularly offered up by skeptopathic groups. Fortunately, his regular readers have set him straight (and perhaps you may like to as well). I haven't read the full list of comments but I do hope some have also advised him that herbal Arnica and potentised Arnica are both prepared from the Arnica plant and work by a like-treats-like homeopathic effect. The only difference is that potentised arnica works more quickly and deeply and is safer (as Tim has already discovered). Good on you, Tim - and please keep experimenting.

More Information: The Truth About “Homeopathic” Medicine


7. Why the homeopathic aggravations?


A recent study looked at how satisfied European and Brazilian parents were with the homeopathic treatment by medical homeopaths for their children.

Overall, they were quite satisfied, but 19% reported an aggravation from the treatment, and 10% of those aggravations were classed as significant.

Homeopathy has a reputation for being a gentle and safe medicine, so why the high level of aggravations? One possible reason is that medical (doctor) homeopaths are more likely to prescribe homeopathy according to a pre-set schedule (eg., every 4 hour, once a day, etc.).

This type of allopathic dosing doesn’t suit everyone, and quickly pushes those who are more sensitive into an aggravation, which is really just an overdose of the remedy. Apart from being uncomfortable, aggravations slow the rate of improvement.

Homeopathic prescribing works best when it is individualised. The remedy should be chosen to suit the patient's symptoms, and the potency and frequency of the dose should suit their sensitivity. While some may need a daily dose, others progress just as quickly on a weekly or less frequent dose, and aggravate if dosed more often.

The saving grace about aggravations is that they non-toxic and non-harmful. Still, they should - and can - be avoided for the comfort and progress of the child.

More Information: Pediatric homeopathy: A prospective observational survey based on parent proxy-reports of their children's health-related Quality of Life in six European countries and Brazil


8. Treating plants with homeopathy


Julian Jonas was confronted by a problem - his tomatoes had blight. Three days after spraying with a homeopathic remedy, the problem was gone. He says,

"I’m not sure which is more curious – the idea of using homeopathic remedies to treat plants or the fact that, even after decades practicing homeopathy, it wasn’t until recently I had given much consideration to the agricultural applications of homeopathy. Humans and animals yes – veterinary homeopathy is a well-established profession, however plants were another matter altogether."

Find out which remedy he used to get rid of the blight, plus read lots of other helpful information at Center for Homeopathy's website.

And if you would like even more info, visit the agrohomeopathy section of our website where Kaviraj, who is sadly no longer with us, answered many reader questions.


9. Information about our Information

The information we provide and comments we make are from the homeopathic perspective. They are not necessarily endorsed by sectors of some governments, medico-pharmaceutical groups, “skeptic” organisations or those unfamiliar with homeopathy. Comments, references or links posted by others on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Homeopathy Plus and so should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by Homeopathy Plus. Further information about the purpose of our material may be read in the disclaimer at the foot of our website:


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