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internet good

BBC 6 Minute English - Podcast

6 Minute English


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Is the Internet a good or bad thing?

These days we take the internet for granted. We share our lives on social media and not just with friends and family. And that isn’t always a positive thing according to the father of the internet, Tim Berners-Lee. Listen to this discussion about whether the internet is a good or bad thing - and learn some useful vocabulary too.

This week's question:

When did Berners-Lee first suggest the idea for what would become the World Wide Web? Was it in...

a) 1985

b) 1989

c) 1991

Listen to the programme to find out the answer.


at first - in the beginning

not controlling / not taking any action to control

the state of having a hidden identity or personality

make a situation better

to tweak
to make a small change

praise and appreciation for something someone has done

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