The Blood Moon (and...The End?) Another round of End Times predictions falls with a dull thud. The upside is that those of us not under cloud cover g


The Blood Moon (and...The End?)


Another round of End Times predictions falls with a dull thud. The upside is that those of us not under cloud cover got a pretty amazing look at the Supermoon and eclipse. This photo was taken by TTA user Mike McDowell.

We also got news from NASA that there's evidence for water on Mars. Click HERE for more on that, and cheers to science for ever expanding our knowledge and horizons.



muhammad syed

I occasionally draw fire for focusing on Christianity so much, as it's my own former faith and the predominant religion in the USA. This week, however, we're talking about Islam.

I recently released a 20-minute interview I conducted with Muhammad Syed, president of Ex-Muslims of North America. And this week's podcast will feature several ex-Muslims.

Very interesting stuff.


Just in time for Halloween...

Podcast243-Ghost Stories 2015

October 20th features our annual Ghost Stories radio podcast. If you have a favorite ghost story you'd like to submit for the broadcast, email it to

On the October 13th show, we'll be getting into The Science of Fear, perhaps learning a few things about how we become afraid...and why.

What scares you? Email to tell us about it.


The Kim Davis Parody Video

La Strega Entertainment just released this scathing parody video about Kim Davis, titled "The Modern Fundamentalist." It's not for everyone, but I enjoyed it, and I think satire can be an important weapon in the fight against ridiculous ideas (like...say...the idea that Kim Davis is a religious martyr and hero).


Also coming in October...

Videos featuring Sarah Levin of the Secular Coalition of America, a 2-part series about Christianity called "Mystery Faith," and a response to the popular religious meme which shames believers when they decide to skip Sunday church. Stay tuned!

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