Dear friends, It's not every day that I get an unexpected email from a brilliant singer-songwriter I've never met saying the kindest things about me


Dear friends,

It's not every day that I get an unexpected email from a brilliant singer-songwriter I've never met saying the kindest things about me and my work.

The artist is the amazing Karen Drucker, who brings a deliciously rockin' and bluesy flair to her inspirational music. She wrote to tell me how much she loved my writing, appreciated my work, and wanted to gift me with a collection of her songs that I might really enjoy.

Say what?! ... Is the Pope Catholic?

What Karen didn't know is that a couple of years earlier I was enthralled by a video of her performing at an event she was doing with Joan Borysenko. I'm thinking, who is this fun and sassy redhead with such a heavenly voice? I favorited it on YouTube and forgot all about it until she connected with me.

And now I have six beautiful CDs of her music – with permission to share! There's a song in particular that I can't wait for you to listen to – guaranteed to lift you up and put a smile on your face. It's called "Stuff." You can read what she says about it and listen to it below.

(PS It just so happens that Karen will again be offering her fabulous women's retreat at Kripalu with Joan Borysenko on July 17-19.)


Happy clearing... or dancing... or doing whatever rocks your boat...

(and lightens your load).

Have a great month, everyone!


Karen Drucker

Karen Drucker sings "Stuff" (click photo to listen)

Stuff by Karen Drucker

"I love clutter clearing and I also understand the shame, overwhelm, and pain that goes with it. My friend, Robert Anderson, a well known and fabulous songwriter, came to me with the idea of writing a lighthearted version of this very charged subject. Our intention is to help people find a way to move through this issue and feel some peace and freedom. If this is something that you are dealing with - maybe just singing this song along with me will be the reframe that helps!"

LISTEN to "Stuff"

A Year to Clear Book

A Year to Clear R-evolution

Slow Clear Movement

"Stop. Now. Whether you know it or not, you are at the end of your search for relief, peace, and meaning in your life. No more seeking. No more wandering. No more waiting. The peace you seek is hiding in plain sight. An open secret. . . . Everything you need is already here, unfolding in every instant. Right here, right now."
—Josh Baran, The Tao of Now

Learn more about The Year to Clear R-evolution!

Pink Lotus Vertical

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Stephanie Bennett Vogt1

Stephanie Bennett Vogt is a leading space clearing expert, teacher, and author with three books (and new one on the way). She brings over 35 years of experience to SpaceClear, a teaching and consulting practice she founded in 1996 helping homes and people come into balance.

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