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Other Headline News

Lebanese Boy Refused To Play Chess Against Israelis: “Israel Is the Enemy”

He is a little boy! Yet, listen to how he has been educated.

Muslim rams car over British soldier, and the media is silent

Horrific! Why does the world not treat this as a terrorist attack?

New Congresswoman Surrounds Herself by Hardcore Antisemites

Bad news for America.

British Diplomat Acting to Halt Evacuation of Illegal Arab Settlement
This is an absolute diplomatic disgrace! Going against Israeli law and policy.

Muslim refugees in Germany destroy train station on New Year’s Eve
They also attacked and robbed Germans on the trains!

8 terrorists almost kill Australian father
He was trying to protect his neighbors from these vicious gangs!


Lennon’s utopia is no dream, it’s a nightmare At the annual New Year’s Eve celebrations last night in New York’s Times Square, a hallowed tradition was observed once again.

New Mideast order taking shape

The Arab Spring period featured large-scale civil wars, uprisings and the involvement of external elements in failed states, as old orders fell apart. But new developments depict a different scenario, according to an ex-senior intelligence officer.

REDEMPTION WATCH: Bolton Visit to Israel Prepping for War

Most pundits believe that Trump’s announcement on a withdrawal from Syria was a sudden rash decision that would plunge the region into even more chaos. But what happens if it wasn’t?


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