A Clavichord Evening at Eagle Hill! Friday, October 27th at 5PM ET with Kevin Birch   Join us on October 27th for a delightfully soothing evening


A Clavichord Evening at Eagle Hill!

Friday, October 27th at 5PM ET

with Kevin Birch

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Join us on October 27th for a delightfully soothing evening of clavichord music, featuring a new clavichord after an anonymous Austrian clavichord (c. 1700), built this year by Andreas Hermert of Berlin, Germany.

Featuring music by ...
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621)
Peter Philips (1560-1628)
Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667)
Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer (c. 1656-1746).


Scheduling Details

Each concert evening begins with a reception at 4:15PM. This is a pleasant time to mingle with guests over complimentary beverages. Concerts begin at 5:00PM and generally run for about 1.25 hours, including a brief intermission.

Ticket Ordering

Concert tickets are $25 ($20 for members of the Friends of Music and college students). Children 18 and under free, if accompanied by their parents or relatives who are not guests of others, otherwise $15.

Click here for online ticket ordering.


Optional Dinner after the concert with the Musicians

Concert evenings at Eagle Hill are followed by an optional dinner for guests who enjoy an extended evening with friends in the company of the musicians. Reservations need to be made by 10AM of the lecture day. Dinners are regularly $30, all inclusive, or $25 for Dinner Club members. Wine is available for purchase with dinners.

Green mixed house salad with honey lemon dressing
Baguette with butter
Entrées: Chicken parmesan ... or ... Eggplant parmesan
Linguine pasta
Roasted zucchini, peppers, carrots, and Vidalia onions
Dessert: German-style apple cake with whipped cream
Coffee or tea

Dinner reservations need to be made by 10AM of the concert day. We will need to know your entrée choices and any meal restrictions. Click here to make a dinner reservation.
Or email us at joerg@eaglehill.us or call us at 718-715-2824.


Friends of Music Special Offer

If you enjoy going out for intimate evenings dedicated to live music performances in a social setting, you are cordially invited to become a member of the Friends of Music at Eagle Hill.

• Tickets are normally $25, but are $20 for members.
• With the goal of encouraging a growing interest in the music program, each Friends of Music member is cordially invited to ask one friend per concert (who has never been to a concert at Eagle Hill) to join them as their guest, at no charge. If you choose to sign up for the after-concert dinner, your friend is also welcome to join you as your guest, also at no charge.

Membership application is informal. Membership is $25 per person for one year, starting with your signup day. Click here to sign up.


Eagle Hill Institute
PO Box 9, 59 Eagle Hill Road
Steuben, ME, 04680-0009

Contact Us!
207-546-2821 Ext.4

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