newsletter 2

"Capricorn" by Teo Olivieri (linked)

Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Taurus, Thursday, January 18th, 2024

Greetings Deer Spirit Friends!

As we journey further into 2024 / Year of the Dragon, it's becoming clear that it's shaping up to be much more than "just another year". Our values are changing in concert with the radically changing world around us. What was once opaque is now being revealed. What was once easily accepted is now being rejected as the layers of illusion dissolve.

It can be disconcerting to realize that the old "normal" just isn't there anymore as we go about our lives as if it were. The old world is slipping away like sand in an hour glass, and In order to move forward with clarity, ease and grace, we are called upon to dig deeper and shine brighter. And as we shine brighter, more is revealed. The old world has gone past it's expiration date and we are co-creating a new world that works better for everyone!

Pluto entering Aquarius

And BTW, the Sun and Pluto will enter Aquarius this Saturday and Uranus stations direct next Saturday. This is a very big deal, not to mention that after Uranus goes direct, we have a very rare phase of all planets direct for 5 months. In other words, the new paradigm Aquarian Age floodgates are wide open starting this Saturday and you might want to join this global meditation.

Please let me know if you'd like to join any of these upcoming events (more details posted below in the Bulletin Board section) -

VortexHealing® Ancestral Persecution Session #1, Thurs. 1/18, 7:15pm ET conference call, 7:45 - 8:45pm healing, $20 (you can do all 5 sessions for $90, a $17 savings)

Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing Leo Full Moon Session, Thurs., 1/25, 7:30pm ET conference call, 8 - 9pm healing, donations appreciated.

Reiki Level 1 & 2 Classes, Sat. 1/27 & Sun., 1/28, 10am - 5:30pm ET, $252.

Reiki Circle at Moxi Wellness in NYC, Sat. 2/3, 5pm - 7:15pm, $25, rsvp required.

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People have been telling me that I need to raise my fees......"when they're too low, people think you're not good enough".....I get it! I've known that I need to to raise my fees for a while, and I've finally done it. They are posted on my website and in this newsletter in the Services, Classes & Special Programs section below.

I was conflicted about doing this. I knew that I was worthy of being paid much more than I'm asking, given my training, knowledge, experience and skills. But in the 18yrs I've been making a living doing this, my main focus has been to serve the under-served portion of the general population.

In other words, people who need and want high quality holistic energy healing but cannot afford to pay for it, especially if they need and want to have it regularly. Medical insurance does not cover what I do, and with the average working person living paycheck to paycheck and shouldering significant debt burdens, I wanted to be able to serve them at rates they can afford.

I have always done this and will not stop doing it. Many of you have been working with me for many years and are grandfathered in at rates that work for us.

I also have given thousands of free treatments at The Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center (for 13 yrs), our monthly Free Community Clinics (since 2008, currently held at The Point in the S. Bronx), and free clinics in Guatemala and Peru with Healer2Healer and Global Healthworks Foundation. I love doing charitable work and I will never stop doing it (that includes my weekly Monday night Free Conference call Reiki Circle and the Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing® sessions which I encourage participants to donate for (but hardly anyone does!).

My new fees for sessions at Moxi Wellness are high and they are for new clients that book through Moxi's website. If you have worked with me in the past you can pay my new fees for sessions at Moxi Wellness or ask for the old lower fees. The same goes for my new fees for distant healing sessions and astrology readings on audio or video conference call.

*Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Updates*

“Aditya hridayam punyam sarv shatru bena shenam" (Sanskrit for "all evil vanishes from life for those who keep the sun in their heart") - this is from Whisper In The Heart by Parvati Marcus, a book about Neem Karoli Baba (highly recommended!). I’m sharing it because it reminds me of the Golden Heart Sun healing energy, one of the energies of the Angelic Liquid Light Healing® modality. Neem Karoli Baba was the guru for Ram Dass, Krishna Dass, Jai Uttal and countless thousands of others. He left his body in the 70’s but is still very active on earth. His devotees often see him, feel him, and hear him in visions and dreams. His energy is one of overwhelming ecstatic love bliss. I always connect with him when I channel healing sessions, and he was actually spotted many years ago in my Reiki circle at Madison Wellness by one of my clairvoyant students.

Last week's session on the New Moon in Capricorn was wonderful! The energies were super smooth, calm and peaceful. We had 95 people, 24 cats and 11 dogs on the distant healing list. At around 8:30 I saw a dragon enter the group energy field! I told Barbara Hallnan after and she said "I woke up this morning with a lucid dream of a dragon rising up out the waters of Lake Champlain. It was beautiful and powerful! Dragon energies return!" The Dragon I saw during the session.... I just saw very clearly the big head of a dragon like he was peeking in from another dimension. Very friendly, ancient and wise. It felt very auspicious, like a blessing! It’s because it's Chinese Year of the Dragon and also because Pachamana is healing the Dragon ley lines (the Earth's energy meridians) I was doing a lot of Red Dragon Fire, Red Road & Crystal Clear Consciousness in the beginning for grounding.- connecting our kundalini with Earth kundalini.

Holiie Brooks was channeling with us that night and she said, "I was also feeling dragon energy and did a lot of Red Dragon fire, as well as clearing, and bringing in zodiac and ninth dimension, nutrients! Thank you so much for the opportunity to be part of this much-needed healing"

Hollie was one of the 4 students in the recent new Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 class. The 2 new energies that you get in that class are the Zodiac Nutrients and 9 Dimensions Activation Nutrients. They work on many levels, including activation of dormant DNA and healing distortions in active DNA.

VortexHealing Ancestral Healing Session 1 Thurs. 118 1

The VortexHealing® Ancestral Persecution 5 Session Series

A few months ago, Carol told me that she wanted to do a series on "Healing the Witch Wound". We've all heard about how "witches" were "burnt at the stake" by Roman Catholic thugs. Turns out many of them were just traditional indigenous folk medicine healers, mediums and mystics who refused to submit to the Roman conquerors masquerading as priests.

I thought it was a great idea and we figured out a way to spin it so it had broader appeal; hence the "Ancestral Persecution" theme. Bottom line is that people who were spiritually sensitive and awake were often perceived as a threat to the status quo and their patriarchal authority figures, and were often persecuted.

I've noticed that many of my Reiki students had to walk through a lot of fear to claim their healing gifts, and some had parents and ancestors who had special spiritual talents that were never recognized, nurtured and encouraged, or were judged, suppressed or punished.

Here's the schedule and themes (all sessions on Thursdays) -

Jan. 18th - Inner sense of threat, fear of being harmed $20
Feb. 29th - Feeling misunderstood or alienated $20
March 28th - fear of being blocked, seen and heard $20
May 2nd - feeling disconnected from feminine $20
May 30th - Super Session $27
You can sign up for all 5 sessions for $90 (a $17 savings). All sessions start with a 30 min conference call from 7:15 - 7:45pm ET followed by 60 min of distant healing from 7:45 - 8:45pm ET. The Super Session has 90 min. of healing instead of 60.

Carol's Thoughts On The Series

As I write we have crossed the cusp of the old year and are taking our first hopeful footsteps into the new one. Last year was challenging in so many ways and 2024 promises many transformational passages. The turn of the year also brings with it a new series of distant group healings. This series will delve deep into the past to meet conditioning that is hindering our present and future.

In our new series we will be turning our attention to working with Ancestral Persecution Wounds. Our first session will focus on Negative Past Life Memories. The longer title for this is “Feeling an Inner Sense of Threat/Negative Past Life Memories.”

*Inspiration for the Series*

A couple of years ago while working on a storytelling event on the theme of “Witches” I got a strong inner pull to offer a series of group healings called “Healing the Witch Wound.” There seems to be a lot related to this surfacing in the culture right now. When we were in a planning session I told Geordie about the idea and he agreed that we should take it on.

“The Witch Wound” refers to ancestral, genetic or past life memories that come from a time in history called “The Burning Times,” a time of persecution of witches or people (mainly women) who were designated as witches. The Witch Wound is also a collective psychic wound that is inter generational and archetypal. During the Burning Times tens of thousands of innocent people were accused of witchcraft and tortured and killed in horrendous ways. These times have left their mark on both individuals and culture. Most of the time these wounds operate below the level of rational consciousness to create fears and anxieties and limits on self-expression. I will give you an example from my own life:

When I was in graduate school and just finishing my Master’s degree in psychology I was trying to decide whether to go on and register for the doctorate program to get a Ph.D. I found the decision almost impossible to make for various reasons. My level of anxiety about it was off the scale. It felt like a life and death decision. I was able to use my rational mind to witness this anxiety and acknowledge that it was way out of proportion. This was not a life and death decision! It did not make any difference to know that though. My anxiety was still stratospheric. I kept struggling with it until I talked to my husband, from whom I was separated at the time. He said, “Carol I’m not surprised it feels like life or death to you. The last time you tried to be a healer you got burned for it!” His words hit me like a depth charge!

There it was, “The Witch Wound” telling me I had to get a doctorate (because that’s what academe and the patriarchy demanded) but making me afraid of it at the same time.

After hearing that, I realized that what I really wanted to be was a psychotherapist and I did not need a doctorate to do that. I let it go.

This is an example of how the Witch Wound can work like a stealth operator below the surface.

When Geordie and I were planning for this series we decided to broaden the focus to any kind of past- life or ancestral persecution and not limit it to the persecution of witches. Unfortunately, our history is full of many different kinds of persecution from slavery, colonization, the holocaust, class struggle, sex trafficking and many more. Any of these can leave traces that reverberate through individual and group consciousness.

*About the First Session*

The first session of the series will focus on negative past life memories and/or a sense of inner threat. Some people have dreams or meditation experiences or other forms of recall of images of persecution or danger. Some people may experience a sense of anxiety or threat that does not match with present circumstances.

In this session Carol Ribner will be using Merlin’s Grace Level VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing. Geordie Numata will be using his own modality Angelic Liquid Light Healing. We will be channeling to clear negative past life memories and this sense of threat carried from past life persecution. We also will be inviting in help from the Angelic Realm in the session.

Anandamayi Ma

Anandamayi Ma, April 30th 1896 - August 27th, 1982 (linked to her Wikipedia bio)

Mother Divine

“The Great Mother knows when Her children are at play and when they really need Her. They call Her often without really needing Her. But when they fall, are hurt and cry for Her help, She answers immediately.”

"When by the flood of your tears
the inner and the outer have fused into one, you will find Her whom you
sought with such anguish,
nearer than the nearest,
the very breath of life,
the very core of every heart."

- Anandamayi Ma

Reiki Levels 1 2 Classes Online Sat. 127 Sun. 128 1

Bulletin Board

Upcoming Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Freedom sessions -
Capricorn new Moon- Thurs. 1/11
Leo Full Moon - 1/25

These sessions start with a 7:30 - 8pm EDT conference call followed by an 8 - 9pm EDT distant healing. In order to register, email me your full name as you want it written on the distant healing list, and if you have pets you'd like to add to the list, tell me their names and what type of animal they are. Mother Divine, Ascended Masters and the Angelic realm will assist us in these sessions, which will help us release blocks that prevent us from becoming free self sovereign creators of our personal realities and having abundant fulfillment in all aspects of our lives.

We are in an accelerated phase of activation, transformation, rectification and awakening now, and the Divine Mother Love and Angelic healing energies of the Angelic Liquid Light Healing® modality will help us feel deeply loved, loving, safe and supported in the midst of the unprecedented challenges that we face as we create "heaven on Earth".

These sessions are free to all but if you like them and would like to support my work, please consider donating ($5 - $20 suggested) via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to, Cash App to 646 505 9798 or if you can't use them, use Paypal via the Buy Now button on my contact page - (and if you can't use PayPal snail mail me a check!!)

My next Deer Spirit Reiki Circle will be held on Sat., Feb. 3rd at Moxi Wellness 598 Broadway NYC, 12th Fl., 5pm - 7:15pm EDT, $25. Door locks at 5:30pm when the meditation begins. It is open to Reiki students all levels and lineages as well as a limited number of non - Reiki students who want to receive treatment and learn more about Reiki. Please do not come if you are contagiously ill or have tested positive for covid. This event is held on the 1st Saturday of every month.

Our next Free Community Clinic at The Point in the S. Bronx will be held on Sat., Feb. 10th. We offer free Reiki, community model acupuncture and sometimes body work and reflexology (foot massage). Everyone is welcome. Peter Panken LAc, Mark Keubel LAc. and I have been holding this clinic once a month since 2008. We start at 10:30am ET and end at 4pm ET but arrive by 3pm if you want a treatment. Please let me know if you'd like to volunteer as a Reiki provider!

My Free Conference Call Reiki circle will be held every Monday night from 7pm - 8pm EST. We'll do some guided meditation, self Reiki, Reiki for each other and Reiki for world peace. You can also use Angelic Liquid Light Healing™ or VortexHealing® in the circle if you like. The conference call numbers are 917 444 9040, conference ID 818181#. If you want a call in number for location outside the NYC area or for another country, go to the Turbobridge website and click on the Call - In Numbers tab. You don't need to rsvp for this event; just call in at 7pm. These circles are free to all but if you like it and would like to support my work, please consider donating ($5 - $20 suggested) via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to or PayPal via the Buy Now button on the contact page of my website. You are welcome to join the circle if you are not trained in an energy healing modality.

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Deer Medicine - Love, Gentleness, Grace & Silence

Services, Classes & Special Programs

Reiki Sessions at Moxi Wellness - $225 for 60min.,
3 sessions - $630,
5 sessions - $900

Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot at Moxi Wellness $270 for 90min., $225 for 60 min.

60 min. Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot & 60 min. Reiki Session at Moxi Wellness - $405

Distant Healing Sessions via Phone or Video Call - $180 for 90 min., $450 for 3 sessions,
$144 for 60 min., 3 sessions $405
$108 for 45 min. 3 sessions $270

Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot via Phone or Video Conference - $225 for 90 min. or 180 for 60 min, (it gets recorded),

60 min. Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot & 60 min. Reiki Healing via Phone or Video Conference - $360

House Call or Hospital Healing Sessions - $225 for 60 min., 3 sessions $540 (additional travel time fee added according to distance involved)

Contact me for rates on space clearing and astrology tutoring - / 646 505 9798

2024 Reiki & Angelic Liquid Light Class Schedule All my classes are taught on the Webex video conference platform.
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - 1/27 & 1/28
Reiki Level 3 - 2/17
Reiki Master Teacher - 3/16 & 3/17
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 3/30
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 - 4/20 & 4/21
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - 5/18 & 5/19
Reiki Level 3 - 6/22
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 7/20
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 - 8/17 & 8/18
Reiki Master Teacher - 9/28 & 9/29
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - 10/26 & 10/27
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 11/23
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 - 12/10, 12/11 & 12/17 (evenings, 7 - 9:30pm ET)
see the classes page of my site for details of curriculum and fees

Karuna Reiki® is taught by private appt. online or at your residence only.

Deer Spirit Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program - My Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program began in February 2017. After a candidate is chosen, they assist in teaching all 4 levels of training (Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3, and Master Teacher). They also have weekly coaching sessions which may be over the phone or in person, and homework assignments. Another aspect of the program is providing Reiki in a volunteer capacity at the free clinics I supervise. The program is tailored to the needs of the individual candidate. If there are issues blocking the candidate's general fulfillment in life and success as a Reiki healer and teacher, these will be addressed through counseling and healing sessions. I am accepting applications for an apprentice who would start working with me as soon as they are ready.

Accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 for professional healers, yoga practitioners & meditators - If you are an L.Ac., LMT, Craniosacral Therapist or other holistic health professional, a yoga teacher or seasoned yoga practitioner, meditator and / or chi gong practitioner, you may qualify for my accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 training. Do you know the 7 chakras and basic anatomy of the human body? Do you know what chi is? If your answer is yes to most of the above then you're probably ready to take Reiki 1 & 2 in 7.5 hrs. (it normally takes about 13 hrs) in a private one on one class, preferably at your residence. The fee is $360.

Love & Gratitude,
Geordie Numata
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Founder
Spiritual Life Coach / Astrologer / Tarot reader
ICRT Certified Reiki & Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher
VortexHealing® Practitioner
N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncture Detox Specialist
Ceremonial Leader / Shaman
Certified Never Born - Never Died
Deer Spirit Healing Blog
NYC Reiki & Spiritual Healing Meetup
Deer Spirit Healing, Awakening & Ascension Meetup
Global Healthworks Foundation
646 505 9798 **

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