
Lumber And Steel Costs Getting You Down? Here’s Money Saving Solutions.

Save With Concrete And Decorative Plaster

Does the lumber and steel crisis represent a curveball to your construction plans? I’m here to enlighten you with the awesome alternatives available for a fraction of the costs. Here’s more:

What happened in the last 4-5 months?!? Soaring lumber prices have added $32,872 to the price of an average new single-family home. With supplies down 20% and demand up for home builders and remodelers, we have seen costs never been seen before in the industry. Lumber prices are up 340% than a year ago, not just in framing, but in cabinets, doors/windows, and flooring. Steel is at a record high, up nearly 18%; drywall is up nearly 7%, and copper up 27%.* The good news is concrete is everywhere these days. It’s cheap and versatile. It can make a beautiful home or a stylish pavilion.

Concrete’s solid features to the rescue:

Board-forms come in stamps now as opposed to actual boards. Board-formed concrete, whether left with the imprint of the rough board, or smooth slats, offers a distinct surface. Horizontal board-form seems to be the norm, but I personally like the vertical approach, because it creates a higher, spatial feeling. A faux concrete stain (vs a solid stain) can really emulate the look of wood.

Wood flooring are so expensive that concrete floors are now the craze. They are practical, easy to maintain, stainable, come in a range of colors, and can be heated. Their finishes vary from natural to high polish, marble, wood, or tile-like. They are ideal for those with respiratory and allergy issues, free from mold, mildew, and mites. Keep a mop nearby, as it’s all you’ll need to clean concrete floors.

Modern Jackson-Hole-7

Decorative Plaster, Board-Form, And Concrete Can Be Just As Aesthetically Pleasing.

The demand for decorative plaster has also surged as materials costs remain the same. Aesthetically pleasing, decorative plaster has come a long, long way since days of plaster and lathe. Eco-friendly, decorative plaster and decorative concrete range from luminous to subtle. They are seamless, highly durable, easy to maintain, and touch up. Effects vary from silky smooth to waterproof stone-like finishes.

What do all of these finishes have in common? Using concrete and decorative plaster is a cost effective solution to high cost wood and steel materials. Concretes and plasters are strong as ox. They are also sound reducing, temperature regulating, and fire resisting.They also resist wood rot and save thousands in woodwork and paint maintenance. Living in a concrete home is like living in a fortress.

*Diana Olick, Lumber Prices Add $36,000 CNBC. April 30, 2021


Concrete Floors And Ceilings. The Ultimate In Modern.

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Margarette Johannes, LEED AP, RS

Mahalo From Margarette Johannes, RS, LEED AP

I am grateful for your patronage and support and greatly value your business.I am committed to offering best services from a range of general painting/maintenance, faux finishing, and color consultation to real estate services for our customers at the highest level of skill and professionalism. I will work tirelessly with all of your residential needs. I truly hope that you have enjoyed your experiences with AP Fauxs & Plasters and Agent Margarettaville and continue to in the future.

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