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Opportunities of Abundance

Aloha Beautiful Souls,
"If we surrendered to earth's intelligence we could rise up rooted,
like trees."
—Rainer Maria Rilke ~Bohemian-Austrian poet
and novelist

tree art

Each day is a new journey ~ a new opportunity to live life from the depth of our souls.

Some days, admittedly, are better than others, but the opportunity to shine is always available to us.

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Sometimes things can get out of whack, and you can feel out of control or empty. I know, it happens to me. When it does, the best thing for me to do is fill myself with the right intentions. This is what really creates the most enriching ripple effect out into the world. The depth of our pond is endless. It welcomes new intentions filled with life.

When things don't move as I imagine them to, it gets downright frustrating. If I give up on my dreams and aspirations, I feel empty, apathetic, and even angry. A few years ago this lead to compulsive behavior, which resulted in a few, not so happy years. Fat, sick and longing to be back in balance, I worked hard to turn my life around. It took being vulnerable, asking for support from loved ones and redirecting my priorities.

I have learned the importance of sharing good vibes and the value of positive energy. This has brought me much more than just financial success. It has given me a life I love.


I learned to celebrate life again from the depth of my soul, and to respect my health as my greatest wealth.

Why wait for a birthday or holiday to celebrate life when we have the opportunity to celebrate every day? Time is our most valuable currency $ so spend it wisely.

By appreciating the abundance offered we can create more, give more, and fill our pond.

Spending time in nature helped me rise, as the poet Rainer Maria Rilke wrote, rooted as a tree. The pebble of self worth dropped in a pond creates the ripple for change within and without.

Big Love & Aloha, Mama Donna


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