GNI Buzz GNI's Hires a Marketing Director For an organization to thrive and grow, it needs many things. First, you must offer a quality product that

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GNI Buzz

GNI's Hires a Marketing Director
For an organization to thrive and grow, it needs many things. First, you must offer a quality product that provides value and is delivered consistently. Having attended the GNI Gathering 18 times, as well as a GNI-sponsored cruise, I can say that GNI delivers on this requirement, and Rick Johnson, our Executive Director, makes it look effortless (which it is not). However, as I have painfully learned through building and operating my own business ventures, it is not enough to simply have a superior product. It is equally important to constantly promote your offering and attract new audiences, adjust to the changing times, all while maintaining and strengthening your existing loyal fan base.

As many of you know, GNI has had, at best, a “challenging” history with our marketing effort. For various reasons, promoting and growing an organization such as GNI poses new challenges that did not exist a decade ago. While attendance at The Gathering has ticked up slightly the past two years, the Board believes that to ensure the long-term viability of the organization, we must place new emphasis on promotion and marketing. We must recruit new members, lure back ones who may have drifted away and keep our “regulars” coming back for more.

Board Member Pete Karlovich details the several month long process used to make this critical hiring decision in the BuffBuzz blog.

gene e profile

As Pete outlined above, GNI has hired Gene Evangelist of Pittsburgh PA to be our new Marketing Director. Gene will start immediately to work on new marketing campaigns to increase our membership and census at the GNI Gathering. Let's welcome Gene onboard and wish him the best as he takes on this challenging task! Gene can be reached at his GNI email.


Gathering Buzz

We are pleased to announce that registration for the 2018 Gathering is OPEN and as offered for the past few years, Early Bird rates are now in effect until December 31, 2017!

Gay Naturists International (GNI) is delighted to announce that registration is open for our 33rd annual 2018 GNI Gathering located in the Pocono Mountains of eastern Pennsylvania (USA)! Join us August 17 - 26, 2018; shorter attendance options are also available. GNI also provides optional bus transportation to/from both Newark International (EWR) and downtown Manhattan for $50 each way.

The registration fee covers housing in dormitory-style cabins (camping, RV's and offsite-housing optional), all meals and beverages, and events, activities, and entertainment. The Gathering is open to men aged 21 or over, regardless of orientation.

Click here for the rest of the details and pricing on the GNI BuffBuzz Blog.

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Celebrating at Viv's Salsa Party (Photo by Brian Becnel)

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Some participants in annual Body Painting event (Photo by Scott Rogers)


Member Buzz

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Bob M & cabin mate, Jeff at 2017 Gathering Social Hour (Photo credit: Brian Becnel)

My First Gathering
By Bob Melanson

The Gathering is not necessarily something I would have attended several years ago, but when I found myself suddenly single after a 40 year relationship, my perspective on life changed. I was not a big nudist. I teach men’s nude yoga, attend the occasional nude pool party and even less often, visit the nude beach. My friends, Brian Becnel and Kevin Kriegel, told me about The Gathering and urged me to attend. I figured it would be as good as any effort to explore who I am as a widowed 68 year old gay man or as one friend calls it, Bob 2.0.

Traveling with Brian and Kevin on Friday to New York and taking the bus to the camp included the usual travel hassles of delayed flights and Friday afternoon traffic delaying the bus. But getting to camp and being greeted by Pickles and friends was a joy and set aside any reservations I had due to the travel problems. Other friends who had attended in the past advised me to take my clothes off immediately on arrival even though it was possible to keep clothes on until Sunday when The Gathering officially started. We got settled into the cabin, met the cabin mates, got some dinner and the week started.

For guys new to the week, my advice would be to get as involved with the activities as quickly as possible. I was fortunate to be asked to teach several yoga classes and took a few classes taught by other yogis. It was a great way to meet people who were universally friendly. I did the offsite, clothed, river rafting which was also great fun. The nightly entertainment was, well, entertaining. The disco was hopping. Pool time was relaxing. The equipment in the gym, I’m told has been upgraded although working out naked was a new and inspiring experience. There is plenty going on so to never get bored. And when I felt the need to temporarily check out, reading on the cabin porch was always an option.

I feel that my friendship with Brian and Kevin had an opportunity to deepen and I am very grateful for their advice before and during the week. I forged immediate bonds with my other cabin mates and easily made other friends. I look forward to attending next year and for many years to come.

Brian Ballone SFO Sash sensor

Mr. GNI Leather 2017, Brian Ballone, at Baker's Beach in San Francisco

Mr. GNI Leather 2017 visits Baker's Beach in San Francisco Wearing Only His Sash

San Francisco has a nude beach! Before you decide to go yourself, there are a few things to consider. I suggest that you plan to make it an afternoon activity because the beach is located below cliffs. The beach is only hit directly by sun after noon. More importantly, you do want to check the time for high tide. When I went, high tide was at 1:45pm so I didn't arrive until that time. Although you can take public transportation, I suggest making it easy on yourself. Take Uber or Lyft and ask to be taken to Marshall's Beach. Typically, the taxi/car service will drop you into a neighborhood but you want one of the roads closest to the ocean - look for a parking lot. DO NOT try to go down any way other than the stairs. Many locals take the dirt paths and it is VERY dangerous. Keep looking because the stairs ARE there.

Read the rest of Brian's advice on visiting Baker's Beach at the BuffBuzz Blog. (You're gonna want to see this!)

Register Now for the 33nd Annual Gathering
August 17 - 26, 2018

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