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The Ravenswood Report June 11, 2020

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

A proverb is a simple saying, often based in the traditions of a particular people, that expresses a perceived truth grounded in common sense or experience. The above African proverb is often employed to remind folks that the journey we are on is a marathon, not a sprint. For a long journey, it is wise to have companions in the struggle.

We want to travel far in the struggle for racial justice. We have a long way to go to outlast COVID-19. The lives we live are measured, not in days or weeks, but by years. We are wise to travel together through this world to make it to those distant shores.

As I consider the role the church plays in this marathon, I give thanks that Ravenswood does not have to travel alone. We are part of a denomination, the United Church of Christ, that offers support and guidance and community. And our congregation has a sister down the street, Epiphany UCC, that has been a great traveling partner and friend.

Epiphany UCC is celebrating 125 years of ministry in 2020. Our younger sibling (we turn 133!) has always been there for our church and our community. We partner with Epiphany for our confirmation program and youth group. They always show up strong for our Oktoberfest and we are long-time supporters of The Common Pantry, housed in their church. Pastor Kevin McLemore and I work closely on community issues through the 47th Ward Clergy Coalition and I count him as my very best friend and partner in ministry. We are brothers, pastoring sister congregations, together!

For the next two weeks, Ravenswood UCC and Epiphany UCC will be worshiping together online. This Sunday, June 14, we will welcome the members of Epiphany UCC to our Facebook Live broadcast and give them a taste of worship, Ravenswood style. Then, on the 21st, the Ravenswood family will migrate online to the Epiphany platform to participate in worship with Pastor Kevin and their team.

This promises to be a great experiment and a wonderful way to share the fellowship of our two communities in Christ. See you on Sunday!

Grace and Peace,
--Pastor Jason

Ravenswood UCC and Epiphany UCC Joint Worship in June!

What a fellowship! What a joy divine! Leaning on the everlasting arms - of our sister congregation! We are looking forward to sharing the next two Sundays with Epiphany UCC, our neighbor down Damen Avenue. This Sunday, Pastor Jason will lead worship for both congregations on Facebook Live at 10:30 am. Ravenswood Family, turn out strong and extend a warm Ravenswood welcome to our virtual guests this Sunday! Then on the 21st of June, join Pastor Kevin and the Epiphany UCC family for worship and experience the ways they praise God and celebrate community. I promise you, we will all be better for the experience!

Ways to Support Ravenswood UCC

These are trying times for the church. Here's how you can help Ravenswood UCC.
1. Make a special donation through the church website. Could you tithe a portion of your stimulus check or make an extra donation? Doing so will help us cover the bills and keep our ministry moving. To make a donation through Paypal, click here.
2. Increase your weekly offering. If you mail in your checks, add a little extra onto the amount. If you give electronically, consider increasing your donation to help make up for lost revenues. You may do so by dropping an email to the church office at info@ravenswooducc.org
3. Pray for Ravenswood UCC! When you pray for your church it is an expression of your love for our community and an affirmation of God's steadfast love for God's people.

This Week at Ravenswood UCC

Sunday, June 14, 2020
* Sermon - Pastor Jason preaching from Matthew 10: 5-20 "Courageous Conversations"

Looking Ahead....
* June 14 - Church Council at 9:00 am via Zoom
* June 14 - Online Worship with our sister church Epiphany UCC at 10:30 am on Facebook Live
* June 16: Bible Study at 8:00 pm via Zoom
* June 20: Saturday School for RUCC children at 10:00 am via Zoom
* June 21: Worship with Epiphany UCC at 10:30 am via Zoom
* June 28: Worship at 10:30 am via Facebook Live

Quote of the Week....
"We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer."

--Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 20th century Lutheran Pastor, Theologian and Christian Martyr

Martin Luther was asked what he would do if he knew that the world when end tomorrow.

He replied, "I guess I would plant a tree!"

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