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Hello, . Here is your painting for the day.

Title/size: "Albert Einstein" / 46" x 46" / oil on canvas


Comments: It is time to pummel you with paintings that are in my show at George Billis Gallery. This Albert Einstein is the only portrait included in the show and—coming in at almost 4'x4'—he is one big wall of goo. Moving on... It is not uncommon in the Clan Logan that a child comes along who is speech delayed. (I was one of those towheaded brats that just sat there looking at you as your joke died on the floor.) Sometimes this makes people panic. My late father's oh-so eloquent response to the panic was this, "The problem isn't getting them to talk, it's getting them to shut up once they've started talking." Aah, now that is sheer poetry. (By the way, we are far from a politically correct clan.) In keeping with that loquacious spirit, I have been thinking about giving an artist talk while my show is still hanging at the gallery. What do you think? I am curious as to your thoughts. Will anybody show up or will it just be me sitting there alone dreaming of my next encounter with fresh baked goods? Please, feel free to chime in, I would appreciate it. Have a great weekend!


Raymond Logan / Everyday Icons
February 23 - March 30, 2019
George Billis Gallery/LA
2716 S. La Cienega Boulevard / Los Angeles, CA 90034 (Google Map)
310.838.3685 /


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