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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Sunday's Service ~ February 12, 2023

The featured Scripture is: Philippians 2:12-13
for Mike's message: Working Out What God Works In.

Livestream at: CLC Website
Recorded service posted to: CGCC Facebook & CLC Facebook

Come Grow With Us!



Worshiping Together

Spend Sunday mornings with us ~ in-person or online at 11:00am.
Let's grow together through Worship, Praise, and Prayer, in the Sanctuary and online.

Please send your prayer requests in for our Joys & Concerns email that goes out on
Monday morning! The CGCC website has a Contact/Prayer Request page, you can
email Jen Lynch directly, or use


Bible Studies & Ministries

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Sunday Morning Bible Study ~ 9:30am
Finishing up One Heartbeat Away by Mark Cahill this Sunday. Next week, Pat Shannon will begin leading a class on the Book of Genesis.

Ladies Morning Bible Study ~ Fridays, 9am
Enough by Sharon Jaynes


Wednesday Morning Prayer Group ~ Not meeting February 15.
10am at the Jackson's and on Zoom
Personal Meeting ID: 6936117456 / Password: prayer


Young Adult LifeGroup: Sunday, 6pm
Tuesday LifeGroup: Not meeting February 14.
Bartholomew LifeGroup: Friday, 6:30pm
Hileman LifeGroup: Wednesday, 6:30pm

Courageous Men's Night - 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 6-7:30pm

Catalyst-Men FINAL

We hope to see you this Saturday, February 11!
Men are invited to join us for fellowship, worship,
Bible study, guest speakers, discussion, and prayer
as we seek to strengthen, encourage, grow, and
challenge one another in the faith.

Courageous Men's Ministry Outing ~ Saturday, February 25

Sign up today for a night of food, fellowship, and faith at New Springfield Church of God's
"Wild Game Dinner." Gather with 300 men from around the tri-county area for this event
that encourages the outdoors and our faith. The cost is $20 with money due by
Sunday, February 19. If you cannot afford the ticket, please see Jason Parry and we will
help you get there! Doors open at 5pm and dinner will begin at 6pm. There will be
raffles for hunting and fishing gear as well, for those interested.

CGCC/CLC Children's Ministry


Collide Sunday ~ During Worship
* Nursery Care (Newborn-3 in Nursery)
* Collide Kids Jr. (Ages 3-6 in Sprouts Room)
Collide Kids Church (Grades 1-4) will resume in March

Collide Wednesday

Kids from age 3 - Grade 8 are encouraged to join in for fun and inspiring Gospel centered learning. Parents and caregivers are invited to participate in the Hileman LifeGroup at the same time.
Collide and LifeGroup are held weekly from 6:30-7:30pm.

* Collide Kids Jr. ~ Ages 3-PreK
* Collide Kids ~ Grades 1-4
* Collide Middle School ~ Grades 5-8



For whom are you praying today?
How can we pray for you?

We are here to pray with and for you, anytime! Prayer needs sent by early Monday morning will be included in the weekly Joys & Concerns email. We are also glad to send out prayer requests and praise reports anytime throughout the week!

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2023 Church Directories Available

Grab your new, updated church directory this week!
They are available at the front desk.
If you would prefer a pdf sent to you by
email, let Jen Lynch know.

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Donation Drop Off

New Location for Donation Barrel

Our Giveaway donation barrel in the Great Room has been given a new home. (At least until the Heroes & Halos Angel Tree goes back up for Christmas!) Now, instead of walking your items all the way across the room, you will be able to stop right near the door to the foyer. Just look toward the library table and you will see it. Donations can also be left at the warehouse under the awning in the back.

Sign Up Sheets on the Bulletin Board

Don't miss checking out the large, silver info board in the Great Room. All sorts of church and community information is always available there. Today, two new sign up sheets were added, with pens at the ready below them. If you are on the look-out for the Courageous Men's Night Outing sign up or the sign up sheet to indicate your interest in being part of a new Mission Team, head to the bulletin board when you are here next.

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Ready for signatures!


Thank you to Marcia Kreps for sharing and Darla Smith for writing these weekly bits of encouragement.

"It has been so good to see the sun staying up a little longer – exciting – Spring is coming! Then comes flowers – that makes me happy. God is so good to us – everyday. His beauty is all around us – we just need to take the time to notice and thank Him!"

"That brings me to my WORD for this week, “GIFT.” Usually, when we think of “gift,” we think of something tangible that we can see, touch, smell, etc. We were talking in our Ladies Bible study about secret sister “gifts,” and I said a “gift” certainly doesn’t need to cost anything. We could write down a favorite scripture or word of encouragement or even say a prayer and that would be a wonderful “gift” to give or receive. There are many ways to give a “gift” that mean more than anything. A smile, a hug, a ride, a high-five, or just even being there for someone."

"God gave the ultimate “gift” for us - His only Son. We could never repay that precious “gift.” Eternal life one day with Jesus. Nothing we could ever “gift” back to Him would be enough, but we can keep pressing on toward the mark and do the best we can while we're here. We can “gift” to each other love like Jesus. We can see each other with compassionate eyes like Jesus. What a wonderful “gift” that would be. No greater love. Let’s spread the “gift” of Jesus' love wherever we go!"

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." ~ John 3:16 (NKJV)



February Worship ~ Online & In-Person

Pastor Mike Hileman ~ Sundays at 11am
Austin Young, Pastoral Intern, will be delivering the message on February 26th.
We're excited to welcome you to Worship, in church and online!


Ladies Spring Tea Planned for March

Saturday, March 18, 1-3pm
Ladies of all ages are invited to join us for a spring tea party. Sign up sheets and more info
will be put up next week. We hope you save this date and join in the fun!


News & Events From GG

GG Logo

Our Mission Statement: To cultivate personal, social, and community growth through gardening, education, and opportunity for people of all abilities.

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We have mixed it up this week, adding some science plus a field trip into our days! We experimented with crystals and were excited to see how fast they grew. Perhaps you will get to see our crystal trees in person the next time you are here. On Tuesday, we all piled into Miss Jill's van and headed off for an adventure. We shopped at Park's Garden Center and White House then headed into Columbiana to visit restaurants that we thought may like to incorporate our jams into their menus. Fingers crossed!

Take a look out front inside the fence by the raised beds. GG purchased two bird feeders and a pole and installed them for all to see. We hope everyone is able to enjoy some bird watching time here year-round.

The mild weather gave us a chance to head into the woods to get some work done. There were a few trees down, blocking our paths. Our crew was happy to use the chainsaws and clear the logs away. It is always a treat to be able to work outside in the winter.

Seeds for this year's CSA have begun arriving. It is always so encouraging to see them, bringing the hope of warm weather and growing things. If you are interested in signing up for a produce subscription, now is the time! Feel free to spread the word to your friends and family about our CSA program. Subscribers will get to enjoy all sorts of deliciousness, grown right here in North Lima! More info here and on the GG table.

Jungle Jam & Juicy Jam

Available at Reach for the STARS in Salem, in Columbiana at Harbel's Market,
Living Luxe Designs, and the Chamber of Commerce, and here at GG.

Jungle Jam: - $7 - Blueberry Jalapeno, Cranberry Jalapeno,
Hot, Cherry Habanero, Pineapple Habanero,
Peach Habanero, Dragon

Juicy Jam: - $7 - Cranberry Orange

We also have:
Organic Catnip Toys ~ handmade here, with our catnip, cost - $4
Handmade Wine Cork Cat Toys ~ designed by our clients, cost - $1
Apple Butter ~ $5 & $10 jars
GG T-Shirt ~ $15 assorted sizes
CSA 2023 ~ Info on GG table & website.




Church Mission Team

The Elders are seeking individuals with a heart for Missions, both to serve on a team that will work to facilitate opportunities for the church to advance the Gospel and meet the needs of the lost, the poor, and the broken both near and far. If you are interested, please sign up on the bulletin board. (All regular attendees are welcome to sign up). Elders will review the sign-up sheet and appoint five persons to serve. Elder Ben St. John will oversee the Mission Team. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.


Goodness Grows

The non-profit ministry of CGCC, Goodness Grows
is always busy on our property. GG works with students
and adults with disabilities, providing vocational habilitation
training in a fun, hands-on way. The GG crew maintains
the grounds and cleans the building.


Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc.

To Advocate, Advise, Advance the ministries
of Divine Soccer in Masaka, Uganda for the benefit
of the children of the community

Sponsorships and donations can be made to:
Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc.
1814 E. 3rd St., Salem, OH 44460
or via Pay Pal at

Learn more at: Rock Kidz Uganda and on:


October Coat & Clothing (& More!) Giveaway

We accept donations of clean, useful items all year. Drop them off under the overhang at the back of the warehouse or pop them into the barrel by the library table in the Great Room. If you need help unloading, Goodness Grows folks are usually available weekdays from 9:15am-1:45pm.
We would also appreciate any shopping bags as well as any boxes that you can save.


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Heroes & Halos

Learn more about Heroes & Halos on their Facebook page and stay up to date on what they are doing in the community. H&H is a non-profit organization that reaches out to the community and provides Awareness, Education, Assistance, and Outreach Programs regarding Individuals with Special Needs and Disabilities and their families.


For I was hungry and you gave me food;
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink;
I was a stranger and you took me in;
I was naked and you clothed me;
I was sick and you visited me.
I was in prison and you came to me.

.....When you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,
you were doing it to me.

Matthew 25: 35-36, 40


What can YOU do?



If you know of any interesting news or events,
please let us know, so that we can pass it on to others!


The February Youngstown Flea

Columbiana Chocolate Walk

Saturday, 10am-6pm
Come visit the Shops of Main Street at our 2023 Chocolate Walk! There will be a sweet treat awaiting you at each of the participating stores. You can check out the shops in Downtown and collect your treats along the way. Look for the stores with the balloons out front to know who is participating. This event is FREE!
At PAWS ON MAIN, there will be sweet treats for you & your dog and some other yummy things going on. You can 'Pick A Kiss' for a chance for a discount with marked kisses having 5% to 25% off. You can take a pic of your favorite valentine in our sweet Photo Booth. Come by Paws on Main as one of your first stops and we'll give you a cute little bag to collect your sweet treats from the Stores of Downtown Columbiana

Artists of the Rust Belt Winter Market

Harbel's Market Innovation Celebration

Saturday, 12-4pm
National Inventor's Celebration & Thomas Edison's Birthday Party! Tour The Thomas AirB&B Replica house from 12-3pm. Join area Historical Societies, The Youngstown Museum of Industry, and many other local and innovative minds as we celebrate the history of our region's leaders in industry. The Historical Society of Columbiana is celebrating their 50th anniversary. Come see how they're helping to "Fix the Stix."

Sunday Fundraiser for a Local Family



February 11 - International Day of Women and Girls in Science
February 12 - Tori Snyder
February 13 - Steve & Nancy Brink
February 14 - Valentine's Day
February is American Heart Month

*If we don't have your special days, please let us know!!!*

Email the secretary at



February 9-15, 2023 . . .
Weekdays, 8:30am-2:30pm - Goodness Grows at Work
Today, 6:30pm - Praise Team
Friday, 9am - Ladies Bible Study
Friday, 6:30pm - Bartholomew LifeGroup
Saturday, 6pm - Courageous Men's Night
Sunday, 9:30am - Bible Study
Sunday, 10:15am - Fellowship Time
Sunday, 11am - Worship, Nursery, & Collide Kids Jr.
Sunday, 6pm - Young Adult LifeGroup
Wednesday, 6:30-7:30pm - Collide Wednesday & Hileman LifeGroup

CG Logo w GreenBackground

Seeking to reflect the unconditional love of God,
our mission is to help people connect -
to God, to one another,
and to God's purpose for the world.


Come grow with us!

Common Ground Church Community
Connecting Life Church
2310 West South Range Road
North Lima, Ohio 44452


For more information, call 330-549-9408 or contact us by email at

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