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Here come the social media posts about fireworks. I think we can all agree that we would LOVE "boomless" fireworks like they have in Italy. It would be easier on wildlife, farm animals, companion animals and people with sensitivities. I have BIG feelings on this subject. Until we can band together to get silent fireworks made mandatory, then we have to prepare our dogs for the inevitable loud celebrations (and storms, doorbells and other sounds). Below are some ideas to help you and your dog.

If your dog worries about fireworks, or if you don't know whether or not your dog worries about fireworks, now is the time to get started... You have approximately 14 days to counter condition or to talk to your vet. DON'T WAIT!

Classically Condition for Fireworks (or Storms, or other sounds that worry your dog).

Step 1: Gather Your Resources
* Find a fireworks sound effect on YouTube.
* Yummy Chew or Fun Activity for your dog
* Your dog
* Thundershirt, body wrap and or dog appeasing pheromone

Step 2: Get Started
Deploy pheromone, body wrap and or thundershirt. Give your dog the yummy chew OR start the fun activity for your dog. Turn the volume on your device to ZERO. Start playing the sound file. While watching your dog, slowly increase the volume on your device until you see that moment when your dog JUST NOTICES the sound. STOP increasing the volume. If the dog stops the activity, turn the volume down until your dog resumes the fun. Make notes for yourself. about the volume and sound file.
Play at this volume through the activity (yes, it can be eating their dinner) and do not increase it.

Step 3: Keep Going
At least once a day, but preferably more, repeat each day... the goal is that your dog never gets more than the "wait?!? Did I hear fireworks/thunder/doorbell?" status. No barking, no shaking, no worrying. The more you do this the better. The slower you go the faster you get there! The goal is that the dog doesn't really notice we are doing anything.

Step 4: What if
If your dog simply cannot tolerate any of the noise then we need to switch gears, because we don't want to let our dog suffer with being afraid.
* Contact your vet for medical support
* Make a plan to take your dog for a drive out into the country for major firework likely times
* Start conditioning frequency adjusted relaxing music for your dog; Through a Dog's Ear. It will sound odd to your ear, so you can play it loudly enough to cover the sounds of fireworks

Step 5: One more thing
Even if you had to use meds, even if you had to drive your dog around the mountains to avoid the fireworks THIS time.... go back to Step 1 and KEEP GOING. Your furry friend trusts you and doesn't like being so scared. You've got this!

Let's make our dogs comfortable again!

Sit Happens Dog Training & Behavior, LLC

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