
Learn to be grateful for what you already have, while you pursue all that you want. -Jim Rohn

Give thanks everyday

Now is the time that many of think about all the things we have to be grateful for ... family, friends, a home, jobs...

But did you know that taking time to be grateful everyday has its rewards?

Not only does it help your mental health, it also affects your physical health. Check out 6 scientifically proven benefits of having gratitude from Mindful Academy.


To share with our communities and future generations

that food doesn't grow in the supermarket. That worms have an important role in making healthy soil for our plants. That bees aren't just insects that sting, but share a vital role in our food production. That hens lay eggs and milk comes from goats, too!


We are grateful everyday to have the privilege to share with you...

It's exciting to see that both children and adults are fascinated by our garden and orchard! Do you know how broccoli and brussel sprouts grow? Have you smelled the different herbs of mint, oregano, and rosemary? These are things that delight us, and we are thankful and hope to continue connecting with our communities and future generations.
A sincere thank you for all your support from all of us at Alegre Farm


Friday, December 21st

Join us this winter break as we open the farm to the public to enjoy our educational stations. Get early bird pricing. Tickets limited!


Job Opening

We are currently seeking a full-time, highly-organized administrative assistant to join the Alegre Farm team. Those who wish to apply must have knowledge of marketing, event planning, product launches, and leadership skills. We ask that candidates are able to work with little direction and are innovative in their thinking.
If this sounds like you or someone you know, please contact us by email at with a cover letter and resume. We kindly ask for no phone calls. Thank you in advance!


We provide fresh, local products

Please consider ordering from our online farmers market.


raw milk


fresh eggs

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raw honey


Kind regards,
Your Team at Alegre Farm

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