construction update

Dear Parishioners,

Thanks to the generous services of Dan Carr, the Boy Scouts, and other parishioners, parking has been smooth and orderly thus far. I am grateful to all of you who are taking the “extra step.”

The “deep dig” for the elevator that will service the elderly and handicapped is underway, and this week work has begun on the road behind the church and school that will improve traffic flow. While there will be inconveniences along the way, it is exciting to see our project take place.

Traffic and Parking Update

Click HERE for a diagram of parking patterns and parking locations.

limited mobility

All of the spaces around the church and between the church and school are restricted mobility. There have been between 2-6 spaces open at each mass. If you feel you need to park closer to the church please feel free to do so.

sign up genius

Parking Help Sign Up

Call For Volunteers

As we move through the summer weeks and into the fall we will continue to have volunteers in the parking lots helping direct traffic. Dan Carr (d.g.carr@comcast.net or 860-670-6742) has created a Sign-Up Genius on line and is asking for volunteers to help through the next few weeks. If you are able, please consider signing up to help when possible. We are looking for parking volunteers to sign up for 1 shift a month during the upcoming months of construction. Below is a link that has sign-ups out to Labor Day. We will stretch this out later once we get our feet underneath us.

Please click HERE to sign-up for a time slot on Sign-Up Genius.

I wanted to say thank-you to everyone for their patience and understanding during these upcoming months. It is an exciting time and while it is certainly disruptive we must keep our eye on the prize.

Father Matera

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