This issue is all visual happiness! Click on a picture, get a recipe, a story or some inspiration!                            

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This issue is all visual happiness! Click on a picture, get a recipe, a story or some inspiration!

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Pumpkin and Yellow Bell Pepper Swirl Soup

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Octopus and Spiced Pumpkin Stew

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Pumpkin Truffle Lasagna

cinnamon chicken by

Cinnamon Chicken with Golden Rice

Beef Wellington prep by

Truffle Beef Wellington

champagne in flutes by

Truffle Champagne Punch

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Truffle Lobster Cream Pasta

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Pumpkin Seed Pesto

sugar pie pumpkins

Pumpkin Chicken Ragout

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Cinnamon Rolls

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Pumpkin Seed Hushpuppies

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Kabocha Squash Burger

Meringue pie by

Pumpkin Ganache Meringue Pie

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Cranberry Cinnamon Granola Bars

white truffle maccarron by renka:

White Truffle Macaron

food film fest 2013

NY Food Film Fest and Green Chile Takedown

chili TD poster...

The 11th Annual Chili Takedown

goat party20131023 0798

I roasted a Goat at Nomad Restaurant

Hormel Black Label Film Festival Invitation-1

The Bacon Film Festival

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oh yes there is more! More Recipes! Photos! Fun!

table presents by

Now Booking Holiday Parties email me here with your dates

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