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Hello everyone,

This week's yoga theme is all about Zoo Animals Yoga. Below you'll find links to:

▪ see our new zoo yoga book
▪ download your free zoo yoga poster
▪ purchase your zoo animal yoga cards
▪ read the zoo yoga blog post with five yoga poses
▪ watch the zoo yoga video
see our new zoo yoga book
download your free zoo yoga poster
purchase your zoo animal yoga cards
read the zoo yoga blog post with five yoga poses
watch the zoo yoga video

Here's our update this week:


I've been thinking a lot lately about those "magic yoga moments." I confess that I feel like a failure in terms of being a yoga mom most of the time. But every now and then, something clicks... and there's a moment between my daughter and me. And it's magical.

Like the moment when she spontaneously taught me a new breath she’d made up at bedtime to help her sleep. Or when she grabbed our yoga cards and made a new yoga pose game, incorporating three poses to make up a new pose. Or when she told me to be "take a deep breath" when she could see me getting frantic.

So, I'm curious, what are some of YOUR magic yoga moments?

Because we all know that we keep practicing yoga to feel those magic moments in our own practice. Like when you suddenly cry in Savasana or are inspired by a new idea when in a Warrior Pose.

My magic yoga moment this week was when my daughter got out our third deck of yoga poses and just started trying out the more challenging poses—totally unprovoked and completely on her own. And then she asked me to take a picture of her (see below). I was stunned. She tried each of the poses in the whole deck!

SHARE your magic yoga moments by replying to this email or adding your comments on Facebook here. I’m going to choose a random person to send a deck of yoga pose cards as a thank you for sharing your stories. We're all in this together!



Summer is a great time to visit the zoo, and if you’re lucky enough to have one nearby, you get to experience a wide variety of animals both exotic and native to your location.

The inspiration for my new book, Justine and Joey at the Zoo, came from experiencing the zoo through the eyes of my child.

I hope you enjoy this new story and the connection I have made to the animals and our own movements. Have fun acting out the poses, making animal noises, and discussing how to respect and cherish all animals.

See JUSTINE AND JOEY AT THE ZOO in paperback or PDF version here.



It’s no secret that young children love animals. And my daughter is no exception Check out this list of our favorite zoo animal books and some zoo animal yoga poses to enrich your visit to the zoo. And don't forget to download your free Zoo Animals Yoga Poster.

See ZOO YOGA POSES FOR KIDS (PRINTABLE POSTER) here, or pin it for later.

Show your children the ZOO YOGA POSES VIDEO on Facebook here, or on YouTube here.

May your week be filled with health, happiness, and a passion for life!



Spreading happiness through children's books


P.S. Learn about zoo animals through simple yoga poses!

Pretend to be a giraffe, elephant, and gorilla! Download these 52 zoo animal digital yoga cards to learn through movement in your home, classroom, or studio. Includes an Index Card, Pose Instructions, 20 Yoga Pose Cards, and 20 matching Zoo Animal cards. Age group: Toddlers to Early Primary, Ages 3 to 8.

Purchase your digital ZOO ANIMALS YOGA CARDS FOR KIDS here.

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