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Thanks for your question, Crystal.


Actors Access and Backstage have tons of auditions that you can self-submit for.


You'll need a industry standard marketing materials (headshot, resume and reel) that reflect both your talent, as well as, the center of your emotional range.


You'll need a clear understanding of the genre of the TV writing so that your audition technique reflects the style, pace and psychology of the writing.

It's not enough to be talented, you also need to nail the research into the writer's work is a necessity.

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Finally, once you book the work, it's easy to get an agent to negotiate the contract for you.

Okay, Quiz Time

With that in mind, what are 3 things you can do right now to get you closer to booking an audition without an agent?

I'm listening...

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Love, Light & Power,

Tony-winning producer, actor
writer & TheDreamUnLocked CEO

P.S. If you want access to the free class, you'll need to respond these emails with your feedback.

It's the only way I know you're truly interested and ready to be a Working TV Actor.

And those are the only kinds of folks I'm excited to work with.


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