Dear Friend,

What to watch after dinner on "Thanksgiving Day"? Check out these videos. Stay safe and remain socially distanced.


What Just Happened: Trump, America and the Danger of Fascism

Did you miss this great panel discussion? Or you want to watch it again? Go here.


▪ Andy Zee, host of the RNL - Revolution Nothing Less - Show; co-initiator of; spokesperson for Revolution Books
▪ Coco Das, Editor of / @Coco_Das
▪ Jeff Sharlet author of This Brilliant Darkness and The Family; professor of English at Dartmouth / @JeffSharlet
▪ Indi Samarajiva writer living in Colombo, Sri Lanka; author of a provocative essay: I Lived Through A Stupid Coup. America Is Having One Now; You’ve already lost. This is what Americans need to understand / @indica
Andy Zee, host of the RNL - Revolution Nothing Less - Show; co-initiator of; spokesperson for Revolution Books
Coco Das, Editor of / @Coco_Das
Jeff Sharlet author of This Brilliant Darkness and The Family; professor of English at Dartmouth / @JeffSharlet
Indi Samarajiva writer living in Colombo, Sri Lanka; author of a provocative essay: I Lived Through A Stupid Coup. America Is Having One Now; You’ve already lost. This is what Americans need to understand / @indica

Sunsara Taylor Refutes CNN Lies on Mumia Abu-Jamal

Shout Out to Colin Kaepernick!

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a political prisoner who was railroaded and wrongly convicted for allegedly killing a cop. He is a former Black Panther and a revolutionary journalist. He has bravely continued to speak out, despite having spent well over a decade on death row and now serving life without parole.

Recently, Colin Kaepernick publicized his case by calling for his immediate release. CNN’s Michael Smerconish blasted Kaepernick for this and spewed murderous lies about Mumia Abu-Jamal.

In this video, Sunsara Taylor takes on and refutes Smerconish's lies.

Sunsara Taylor, a co-host of The Revolution, Nothing Less Show, worked for years on the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, especially during his years on death row, including spending significant time in Philly itself mobilizing masses to defend Mumia Abu-Jamal.

For more background on Mumia Abu-Jamal's case, go here.


Updates from the "Keep Darnell Free" Facebook Page

Darnell and his son Malik were able to leave without harassment on their way back to Germany!

A huge thank you to everyone who came to the airport today to see them off and who waited to make sure they boarded the plane without interference from the authorities! --- The Inkster fam, the Detroit Will Breathe crew, the National Lawyers Guild attorney on call, and all the others.

Darnell will be back very soon to continue work on his documentary film titled "No End in Sight".

Danger Graphic

"But the Dogs Are In the Street..."

from Gil Scot-Heron's poem, "Jose Campos Torres"

From Revolution - The Murder of 11-year-old Honesty Hodges: How Much Longer Will We Allow This Murderous System to Steal the Precious Lives of Our Youth?


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