Literature is important to all of your homeschool, often more than we realize! This week we're sharing tips to help your kids love reading, how to mak

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Literature is important to all of your homeschool, often more than we realize! This week we're sharing tips to help your kids love reading, how to make reading fun, books for upcoming holidays and more!


Not all kids love reading, but there are a few things that you can do to help them learn to love it! Check out the tips Jennifer shared here!

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Reading aloud as a family can build relationships and make reading more fun!


Taking time to read to our kids aloud is important for many reasons and the snuggle time is just a bonus!

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How do you know which books should be read alouds? Keri shared 5 criteria she recommends using when selecting your read alouds here.


Did you know that when you read aloud to your children you are helping to develop their vocabulary and thinking skills!

Last WEek
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First Day of SchoolSQ - By Jennifer H.
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7 Tips for Weekly Homeschool PlanningSQ - By Misty Leask
Nature Study EtiquetteSQ - By Beth

What literature collections are on your family's bookshelves? Are any of these 7 recommendations one of them?


Sometimes changing up your literature class is just what your kids need! Have you ever tried using books and movies to make reading fun?


Adding poetry to your homeschool can provide a lot of fun and silly times that your kids will enjoy! Check out the 7 ways that you can easily add it to your homeschool here!


Turning literature into a unit study is a great way to make reading fun and change up your homeschool for a while!


If you're studying the ancient times in your history class, there are 4 pieces of literature that you must read!


Kids love to tell stories take that interest and use it to make reading more fun for your reluctant readers!


You can use literature class to create lapbooks where your kids can share what they've learned through the book you've been reading.


Book clubs help children learn how to discuss literature, build friendships and have fun while reading!

We're getting ready to kick off our first book study through, Alice in Wonderland on the 15th. If you want to join us click here.


Your kids aren't the only ones that should be reading, homeschool moms need encouragement! Yvonne put together a list of her favorite books for homeschool encouragement here.

Develop Preschool and Kindergarten Skills with LapbookingSQ - By Sara
Stop the Homeschool ComparisonsSQ - By Misty Leask
Create Your Own Literature Based Unit StudiesSQ - By Misty Leask
A Summer Full of LearningSQ - By Misty Leask
Studying Art with KidsSQ - By Jennifer K.

Columbus Day is around the corner, find books and more to use in your homeschool here!


Before you know it Thanksgiving will be here, grab a few of these titles for your kids to read while you're on the road for the holiday!


Books make great gifts and Christmas is coming soon, so check out these literature suggestions for all of your kids!


Learning about history through literature is important! Study Martin Luther King Jr. with these literature selections.


There are some great pieces of literature to read for Earth Day here!


It's never too late to plan how to keep your kids reading all summer long! There are some great summer reading programs here!

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