Contents 1. Seizure disorder and its homeopathic approach2. VIDEO: Making homeopathic remedies with Boiron Pharmacy3. Say “No!” to compulsory vacci

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1. Seizure disorder and its homeopathic approach
2. VIDEO: Making homeopathic remedies with Boiron Pharmacy
3. Say “No!” to compulsory vaccinations – and here’s a reason why
4. World Autism Day - Three things to help
5. The Gambian "despot" who uses homeopathy
6. Homeopathy - an option for lifestyle diseases
7. Take a stand for Australian Homeopathy
8. Dr Bruce Shelton and US Homeopathy need your help!
9. Custom Liquid Tissue Salt Remedies on Special
10. Information about our information
11. Stay in contact


1. Seizure disorder and its homeopathic approach


Dr Heena Sayed and Homeobook discuss the homeopathic approach to epileptic seizures. Read about the different types of convulsions, common causes, allopathic (conventional) management, and common remedies a homeopath may use for this condition.

If you’d like to try homeopathy for this problem, it’s important not to stop your current medications or to self-prescribe, but to see a qualified practitioner for proper homeopathic management.

More Information: Seizure Disorder and its Homoeopathic Approach


2. VIDEO: Making homeopathic remedies with Boiron Pharmacy


Boiron machine potentises its remedies from many different sources in this fascinating video... but you can do the same by hand when not dealing with poisonous substances.

There’s no need to be as fussy as Boiron, as you don’t have to meet government regulations on standardisation. All you need to do to make a simple remedy is dilute (or grind) and succuss the substance you wish to potentise, and voila! A home-made homeopathic remedy!

It was interesting to hear in this video that homeopathy is prescribed by over 200,000 physicians worldwide and used by more than 400 million people. That’s homeopathy – simple, safe, and accessible healthcare. (In our next newsletter we’ll have a video clip of how Similasan Pharmacy manufactures its remedies - by hand, rather than machine.)

More Information: Boiron Manufacturing Process


3. Say “No!” to compulsory vaccinations – and here’s a reason why

Tasha David

Tasha David tells the story of what became of her children who were vaccinated. The 6 given vaccines now have serious health problems including autism. The two youngest who were not vaccinated remain healthy.

Until we have an independent and large-scale study in which the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated children is compared, the debate about vaccine safety won’t go away. But, in spite of regular requests, this type of study has never been done. Until it is, and until there is an explanation for the experiences of families like Tasha’s, there should be no thought of or demand for compulsory vaccination.

And what does this story have to do with homeopathy? Plenty: homeopathic clinics are full of children like Tasha’s, and homeopaths who treat them will tell you that a comparison study is decades overdue.

More Information: ‘Why NOT vaccinating my kids was the best decision I ever made’


4. World Autism Day - Three things to help

World Autism Day

Today, April 2, is World Autism Day. With nearly every family in the Western world touched by autism, sometimes multiple times, we're not celebrating - but we do have three things that may help:

1. The Reversing Autism section of our website has numerous articles for parents and practitioners, by parents and practitioners, which explain how homeopathy helps autism. There is hope for change with homeopathy. Visit it here.

2. My Homeopathy currently has a webinar which looks at three key homeopathic remedies for children. The webinar is the forerunner of the longer webinar series, Homeopathy for Children's Behavioural Problems, Learning Difficulties, and Autism Spectrum Disorders, but join as a guest and the Three Key Remedies webinar can be watched free. The remedies discussed are often used for autism and one of them may be of use for your child. Register to watch it here.

3. Our senior homeopath, Fran Sheffield, has started an online book on the homeopathic treatment of autism spectrum disorders on the Open Homeopathy website to guide parents in the use of homeopathy for their children - whether they are seeing a practitioner or not. This online book will be an ongoing free resource for the autism community and will be supported by a forum where parents can discuss aspects of treatment with homeopathic practitioners. In the meantime, the first part has just been released, so head on over to read it here.


5. The Gambian "despot" who uses homeopathy


Is Gambian President Yahyah Jammeh a despot or not? With the way the media spins stories against homeopathy these days it's hard to know.

The President is getting one thing right, though; he encourages his people to use homeopathy. This article comes with stories of conditions for which it was used, and displays some surprising ignorance about homeopathy from a professor. Were his comments from lack of familiarity, or something more sinister? Hmmm - questions, questions.

More Information: The Gambian despot who 'cured HIV-AIDS' and his British homoeopath allies


6. Homeopathy - an option for lifestyle diseases


Several studies we've reported on in the past have shown homeopathy users tend to be sick less often and are happier with their treatment when they do fall ill. The following article on lifestyle diseases makes the same point. It concludes with:

"People who opt for homeopathic treatment for a long term fall ill less often and over a period of time also become less prone to stress and feel healthier overall. If along with homeopathy, people make minor alterations to their lifestyle like adding some form of physical exercise on a daily basis, adding more of fresh fruits and vegetables to their diet, practicing yoga etc, diseases can be kept at bay for a very long time and they can live much healthier and longer. The earlier one starts on homeopathy better are the results for the same. Children who grow on homeopathy live much healthier lives and are less prone to diseases and have less absentee from school due to illness. So choosing homeopathy as a treatment option is recommended for better health."

More Information: Homeopathy-an option to Lifestyle Disorders


7. Take a stand for Australian Homeopathy


In 2014, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) completed a flawed review of the evidence for Homeopathy.

During the review process, its committee refused to allocate a seat for a suitably qualified homeopathic representative, ignored the solid evidence base provided to it by the national and international homeopathic community, avoided key objectives that could produce a favourable outcome for homeopathy, and permitted undue influences from external third parties.

The processes of the NHMRC committee and the report it produced lacked integrity. If the Australian Government adopts the findings of this unsound report it is likely that Australian citizens will be disenfranchised of their right to healthcare choice. It’s already being used by those hostile to homeopathy to call for homeopathy's removal from health fund rebates.

Let the Australian Government know of your concerns about this report by signing a petition prepared by Friends of Homeopathy (Australia). Let them know that we and others elsewhere in the world are watching to see what they do - and watching to see if they walk down the same flawed path. Sign the petition now before you forget.

More Information: Retain private health insurance rebates for homeopathy


8. Dr Bruce Shelton and US Homeopathy need your help!


(An email from Dr Shelton - The FDA is about to change regulations that could deprive you of homeopathy)

Dear Patients and Friends,
As you may know, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided to hold public hearings in late April on how Homeopathic remedies are produced and labeled. This COULD reverse a 75 year history that has helped make homeopathy as respected and popular as it has become. Slight changes in regulations demanding hard science could create an environment where manufacturers won't be able to supply even the simplest of homeopathics for our patients.

Folks: THIS IS THE REAL DEAL. We need to act -- and act now. It was decided on a group phone call on Saturday that I should make a presentation tied to my own experience as a physician patient. So I will be traveling to Washington, DC, in April to testify on behalf of the Arizona homeopathic profession.

==== My Story ====
Here I was 30 years ago, a graduate MD of NY medical college, Board Certified in Family Medicine, coming down with pneumonia that after antibiotic healing a week later became a Florid case of life threatening asthma that in the matter of a month made me a pulmonary cripple.
I was placed on:
- Ventolin inhalers
- Steroid inhalers
- Oral steroids
- Other blockers of all types

ALL TO NO AVAIL. I couldn't breathe while lying down or with the slightest exertion. I was headed for a horrible end when Homeopathy intervened under the direction of several very bright homeopaths. Within 20 minutes of these little drops placed under my tongue my nightmare ended. It was such a life changing experience that I went back to school to learn what I know today and my second career began.

I have graduate degrees in homeopathy, have been medical director for two major homeopathic companies: Heel and Desbio and am now the past president of AHIMA and current head of the Arizona State Board of Homeopathy (our state licensing board for medical homeopathic physicians). Homeopathy filled a huge hole in the Allopathic paradigm that would have let me die and not only did this work for me but it's worked for thousands of patients that I've treated in my medical practice in Phoenix, and for patients treated by other doctors I've helped train.

I'm requesting that each person reading this document tell their own story in a one page document that I can put in a book to bring with me to the Washington hearing. Homeopathy hasn't put all of the scientific peices of the puzzle together as of yet, but that is coming steadily and someday will earn someone the Nobel Prize who finally figures it totally out.


Please simply write me an email and we will see that it is typed properly for presentation. The future of homeopathy is on the line. PLEASE HELP. (Contact details are at:


-Dr. B (Dr Bruce H Shelton MD MD(H) DiHom FBIH)


9. Custom Liquid Tissue Salt Remedies on Special

Bottle and Dropper - Red

Schuessler's 12 Tissue Salts (Cell Salts) are called a "medicine chest" for the whole family. They've been traditionally used as simple home treatments for a wide range of symptoms.

Until Monday, Tissue Salts are on special for just $15.50 each (normally $18.00). Each pleasant-tasting liquid remedy contains 120 doses (5 drops per dose).

Tissue salts can be purchased as single remedies or as combinations. Remedies are custom made for each order.

To check which Salts suit your physical complaint, click here.

To order your custom-made Tissue Salt remedy, click here.

Offer ends midnight on Monday the 6th of April.


10. Information about our information

The information we provide and comments we make are from the homeopathic perspective. They are not necessarily endorsed by sectors of some governments, medico-pharmaceutical groups, “skeptic” organisations or those unfamiliar with homeopathy. Comments, references or links posted by others on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Homeopathy Plus and so should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by Homeopathy Plus. Further information about the purpose of our material may be read in the disclaimer at the foot of our website:


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