The Official Ranking of Top Boarding Schools, Colleges and Medical Schools Top Test Prep experts scoured the nation to find the top programs and scho

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The Official Ranking of Top Boarding Schools, Colleges and Medical Schools

Top Test Prep experts scoured the nation to find the top programs and schools all across the country. Using metrics like class size, endowment, and admissions selectivity alongside interviews with students and admissions officers, our admissions experts ranked the very top private schools, universities, and medical schools in the country. Whether you're looking for a boarding school, college, or graduate school, we have the valuable information that you are seeking. Check out the list below to see the best of the best in the United States, and visit our website to view the rest of our rankings.

Colleges and Universities


1) Princeton University

Simply the best of the best. Princeton is always neck-and-neck with Harvard, but wins out in this ranking due to a more tangible emphasis on its undergrads. At the same time, Princeton’s research and graduate offerings makes it a powerhouse and allows it to take the top spot in our rankings.


2) Harvard University

Harvard sets the standard for universities worldwide. With massive offerings, brilliant faculty and student body, as well as top-flight facilities and research opportunities, Harvard could top this list as easily as Princeton.


3) Stanford University

The best school on the West Coast. Stanford offers fantastic science programs and research opportunities paired with a focus on areas, such as languages, that are traditionally considered the province of the liberal arts college.

Medical Schools


1) Washington University School of Medicine

With an astonishing 36.4 MCAT average and a 3.83 GPA average for matriculants, WashU is distinguished by the incredibly high caliber of its students and its incredibly low selectively. With a comprehensive research program and abundant scholarships for its entering class, WashU handily tops our list at number one .


2) The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Hopkins receives more research grants from the NIH than any other medical school in the United States. This enterprise, paired with incredible clinical opportunities, an impressive residency match, and top facilities allows Hopkins to claim a much-deserved spot as the close-runner up on our rankings.

upenn hosp

3) Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Intellectually impressive and socially active, UPenn offers a range of multidisciplinary programs to intersect career fields (MD/PhD, MD/MBA, MD/JD). For their innovative thinking, excellent teaching hospital, and versatile curriculum, they top our list at number 3.

Boarding and Private Schools


1) Phillips Exeter Academy

The admissions rate is most likely the lowest, somewhere close to <10%. It's the hardest boarding school to get into (and with famous Alumni like Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg). What will happen next year between Exeter, Andover and Deerfield? Stay tuned...


2) Phillips Academy Andover

Andover accepted 14% of its applicants for matriculation in 2013, second only to Exeter and Deerfield, and had the highest required SSAT score for entry, at 94th percentile.

st pauls

3) Deerfield Academy

Deerfield was the most selective boarding school in 2013, accepting only 13% of its applicants. They required an 87th percentile SSAT score for matriculation.

Maggie Top Undergrad Schools

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