
Friends and Beloved Community,

This Sunday we welcome the F-Word Exhibition back to Durham and the Community Church. It's an extraordinary series of stories and banners, each one witness to the choices brave souls are making around the world: to choose mercy, to choose forgiveness, in the midst of danger and pain.

I want to challenge each of you, each of my Community Church friends, to reach out to a friend (or two) over the next two weeks. Invite your friend to join you at the church for an hour--any day, any time of day. And walk together through these stories in the Fellowship Hall. Be inspired together.

Below you'll find a full listing of events connected to the exhibit. It promises to be a season of courage and renewal--as we explore Jesus' key teaching around forgiveness and mercy.

Yours on the Way,
Dave Grishaw-Jones, Pastor




Sunday, May 1


Christ is risen! Easter is our way of life--not just a day, but a practice. Join us for worship this week, at 10 am, as we continue our celebration. We'll sing and pray together, explore the great themes of hope and new life, and celebrate in community the sacrament of Holy Communion! In his reflection, Dave Grishaw-Jones kicks off a three-week series on FORGIVENESS, as we welcome the F-Word Exhibition to Durham.


If you'd prefer to connect online, we'll continue to offer Zoom and Facebook Live services. Simply use the links below to log on at 10 am--and join us for worship, prayer and celebration!

Sunday's Zoom Link

Facebook Live Link

Bread for the World

An Offering of Letters will be observed on Sunday May 1st and Sunday May 8th!

Our Theme: CHILD NUTRITION. We urge everyone to come into the Mezzanine after church, read the letter and sign 3 times. One each to go to our two senators and congressman in Washington. The more the merrier!

Re-Inventing Fellowship Hour


We’re happy to be reviving our Sunday tradition of conversation, coffee and treats immediately following our morning worship—continuing this Sunday, April 17! If you’d like to step forward as a host (bringing and setting out food, serving coffee and drinks), you’ll find an easy Sign-Up Genius schedule here. Watch this space for more as we solidify plans to resume in April.

Most importantly, we don't want people to be overwhelmed by any of this! Mary Merrick is happy to show people around the kitchen and talk with them about what is involved in doing coffee hour. More than two people can work together, if that's more comfortable. Feel free to email or call Mary with any questions. Her number is 603-868-1564.



May 1 to 15
At the Community Church
An Exhibit for Reflection

THE F-WORD: STORIES OF FORGIVENESS is a thought-provoking collection of arresting images and personal narratives exploring forgiveness in the face of violence and atrocity.

Find a complete schedule of events, conversations, webinars and movie screenings at CCDURHAM.ORG.


"Story-Telling and Witness"
An Evening of Story and Listening
Tuesday, May 3
7 to 8:30 pm in the Chapel

We all have stories to tell--some of full of hope, others rippling with pain, but every one is sacred and important to us. As we focus on mercy this month, Dave Grishaw-Jones invites friends to a simple gathering of story. What have you learned about forgiveness in your life? Who are the teachers who've helped you along? Where are the challenges to forgiveness? And when is it not quite right to forgive too quickly? We gather, a people of courage, to share our stories.

"Why Forgiveness?"
A Global Conversation with an International Panel
Sunday, May 15 at 1 pm (US/Durham Time)

Bringing the two-week series to a challenging conclusion, we welcome to our panel three whose stories are featured in the F-Word Exhibit itself: Robi Damelin (Israel, on right), Jo Berry (Ireland) and Father Michael Lapsely SSM (South Africa). Joined by our neighbors Andrea LeBlanc and Dave Grishaw-Jones, these daring friends will answer your questions about forgiveness, mercy, justice and hope (and hopelessness). And we’ll search together for an active path into a just and compassionate future. This will be a stunning conversation, among thoughtful partners who have experienced violence and atrocity and persisted in love and openness.

"All of Us / Nous Tous"
A Premiere Screening
Saturday, May 14 at 6 pm
In the Chapel

What if we had stories to tell of audacious citizens who, with a strong desire for people of different beliefs to live together in harmony, have found ways of reinventing family, education, social relations, culture, and work…and have done so despite existing difficulties and frictions?

What if, thanks to these stories, gathered from around the world, we can begin to see the emergence of what could be the multi-identity and yet harmonious world of tomorrow? And what if we all took part in it? Join us for a powerful screening of a new documentary...with discussion to follow.




October Listening Pilgrimage to Alabama

CCD friends are warmly welcomed on an extraordinary journey of spirit--to Alabama in October 2022 )10/10--10/18). The trip includes Montgomery, Selma and Birmingham. Participants -- from around the country -- will encounter a diverse range of people: from civil rights icons to right-wing conservatives. This trip is carefully drafted and balanced so that participants' time is divided between listening sessions and group reflection. We'll also visit museums and major historical landmarks in the struggle for civil rights. Our leaders include Joel Berman (Concord, NH) and Yael Petretti. To see more, or sign up, visit COMPASSIONATE LISTENING HERE.


Tuesday, May 24, from 6 to 8 pm
At the Community Church

Dave Grishaw-Jones moderates this panel discussion with Rabbi Kaya Stern-Kaufman (Temple Israel, Portsmouth), Professor Paul McNamara (UNH), Alexandra Shaker, Ph.D. (clinical psychologist) and John Mince (marriage and family therapist). We'll talk about the ways the world presses upon us, and our families, and how we can support one another and find purpose and spirit in the midst of it all. All are welcome!

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Directed by our church's own, Deborah Rentz-Moore, UNH Vocal Arts Project and Chamber Singers presents, Considering Matthew Shepard, Saturday, May 7th, 2pm, Paul Creative Arts Center. This 2016 semi-staged dramatic oratorio in three-parts by contemporary composer Craig Hella Johnson chronicles the 1998 heinous murder of Matthew Wayne Shepard. The work is structured after the baroque Passions of J.S. Bach and incorporates a variety of musical styles. Johnson sets a range of texts by poets including Hildegard of Bingen, Lesléa Newman, Michael Dennis Browne, and Rumi as well as passages from Matt’s personal journal, interviews and writings from his parents Judy and Dennis Shepard, newspaper reports and additional texts. This performance is recommended for mature audiences. Ticket and additional information here:



Blanket Sunday

Mother’s Day is Blanket Sunday, May 8th. Blanket Sunday isn’t just about blankets. Church World Service also provides seeds, tools, clean water, and more to people in need. For a small donation, you can make someone’s life better. Please make checks payable to Community Church of Durham with “Church World Service” in the memo line. Knitted baby blankets will go to Goodwin Community Center and My Friends Place.


If you enjoy knitting, and want to make a baby blanket to distribute to local shelters, please bring to the church office by Thursday, May 5th. Any pattern can be used. Here’s an easy one:

Cast on two stitches.
Row 1: knit first stitch, increase in second stitch.
Row 2: K1, Inc. 1, K1.
Row 3: K1, Inc. 1, K1, K1.
Continue always knitting the first stitch and increasing the second, then knitting to the end of the row. When the finished outside edge measures 32 inches (this will be half the blanket), start to decrease: K1, K2 together, continue knitting to end of row; continue decreasing in this manner until you are down to the end. Please use acrylic yarn in pretty colors, with a size 10 straight needle or any size circular needle. If you have questions, call Diane Le Ray at 868-2219.

mother s day gift bags 3

Mother's Day Gift Bags

Once again, we will provide gift bags containing personal care items to the mothers currently living at My Friend's Place, a homeless shelter in Dover, and at Haven, which provides support services and shelter to victims of domestic violence. Look for the colorful gift bags with an attached list of requested items that are hanging from the trellis located at the front of the sanctuary.

The Gift Bags should be returned to the church office by Tuesday, May 3rd. If you have questions or would like further information, please feel free to contact a member of the committee whose names are listed below. Thank you for your support.

Brenda Sargent, Carla Wilson Jane Gallant and Donna Simpson

Action Alerts

Check in regularly with our Justice & Witness Team's "Action Alerts"--found on the CHURCH WEBSITE HERE. We've curated a page of opportunities--through which you can participate (online and via email) in advocacy and action for justice and peace. "Be the change you wish to see in the world!"

Visiting with Antony

Now that Antony is living in the sexton apartment in the church, he is looking forward to meeting even more church members. He looks forward to the day that he recognizes everyone by sight but in the meantime, he’d appreciate it if folks would use the following Sign-up Genius to sign your name and indicate when you’d like to stop by. You can come for a brief visit, to share a meal, or just to stop by and meet him. Choose the date you’d like to come and put the time and any details about the visit in the notes section of the sign-up. You’ll find the sexton apartment at the end of the ECHO hallway. See the SIGN UP LINK HERE

Car Rallies: Sundays at 1

Join CCD friends and many others from around NH on Sundays at 1:00. We're calling on ICE to release detained immigrants and to show our support for those incarcerated there. We gather in the courthouse parking lot at 1 pm.

• Form convoy at Strafford County Courthouse, 259 County Farm Rd., Dover.

• BRING SIGNS: Hold your sign or attach it to your car. We encourage holding up heart-shaped signs. If you make your own sign, our messages are: “End Detention Now”, “Immigrant Rights are Human Rights”, “Due Process For All” or any other message that speaks to you.



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Our Prayer List

As a beloved community, it's our joy and calling to hold our friends in loving prayer. Feel free to reach out to these dear friends with a phone call or card. If you need an address or number, give us a call in the church office.

This week, we pray:

For all who are recovering from hospital stays or receiving treatments of one kind or another. We lift up our friends and neighbors Darien Lauten at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital; Gloria Mason at home in Lee; Frann Bates at the Dover Center for Rehabilitation; Bob James at home in Durham; Janet Moore at home with family now; and Mandy Armstrong at home in Portsmouth. And we give thanks, as well, for their many loving caregivers.

For those among us who are mourning the loss of loved ones and walking in the shadow of death. We lift up Kris Weyrick-Scott and all who grieve Vohnny Weyrick's death; Scott Bogle and Melissa Lloyd whose mothers died last month; and Pam Monroe whose father also died in March.

For all those living with mental illness and finding a path to wholeness and hope, that they may know peace.

For the children of our church, that they may know delight and hope every day; and for the high school and college groups preparing for exciting trips west to explore advocacy and the immigrant experience at the border there.

For all those living in nursing homes and retirement communities, that they may be safe and well.

For our many elders, some living at home, and others in communities of different kinds, that they may find connection, engagement and inspiration in their many ways.

For Antony, as he settles into his role as the church's sexton, and into his apartment here in the building; and for his family far away; and for immigrants and pilgrims seeking safety and promise in new places.

A Prayer for Our Life Together

God, by grace you have brought us together, in community, to be your church in this place and time. We give thanks for these dear friends--whose journeys we follow with compassion and care. Bless each with a spirit of joy and gratitude. Comfort those for whom pain is a heavy burden and a daily challenge. By the light of the gospel, we perceive the holy connections that will always link us, one to the other, in a circle of courage and faith. In love and with love, we pray that your sustaining and holy spirit bind up broken hearts and bring hope to our siblings in Christ. We ask in Christ's name, and by your sweet mercy. Amen and Ashe.

Calling All Creatives!

We are looking for some folks to share ideas on how we can build community making art together for all ages in our church MakerSpace. If you have an hour to share, we would appreciate your time brainstorming. Contact Mary Bencks,

Our Life Together

Church Calendar and Links: We want you to know that the church's calendar is available online (through our Breeze app). And you can find almost all of the links to our Zoom gatherings and meeting there, as you hover over various events. Got questions about this, call us in the office (868-1230). See the link here!



Children’s Choirs

Does your child like to sing? We have a small group of middle schoolers who meet Thursday afternoons at 4:15, and a group of older elementary students who meet at 5:10. We are thinking of starting a younger group, if there is interest. We have just begun to meet in the Fellowship Hall — spread out and with masks and windows opened. If you have questions or your family is interested, please contact Lorna Ellis (, (603)969-7962).

Youth Group Opportunities

Our Whole Lives (OWL’s)

Thank you to church member Liz Phillips who has been instrumental in bringing the Our Whole Lives (OWL’s) program to DCC this Spring. OWL is a sexuality education curriculum developed jointly by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ, and was first published in 1999, and updated in 2005. By virtue of being taught outside of the school system, OWL does not need to conform to any state or federally-imposed limitations, which means OWL can address sexuality education more broadly. The class provides a comprehensive, interactive, unabashed look at sexuality, offering six sets of curricula for age groups spanning kindergarten to adulthood.

The first sessions of the curriculum focus on building rapport and creating a high level of comfort between the participants. We are fortunate to have a volunteer instructor, Jaye Ejarque, a Certified Health Educator who leads the sessions with support from Kristin Forselius and Saskia Hricz. “We are able to take a more personal angle than classroom based sex-ed classes, offering time for discussion, games and unlimited questions." Students say, “it feels really awkward at times, but I feel good about coming to our church to talk about things like our anatomy, and gender roles.”

Liz says, “As I speak with parents about the Our Whole Lives (OWL’s) program, everyone is so grateful it is being offered. Parents have signed up kids for a variety of reasons. We all agree it's so valuable that we have a place where kids and parents can feel safe and share our ideas and values. We are truly blessed to be part of a caring community that supports our youth.”

On Celebration Sunday, June 19th, our congregation will recognize the seven participants in grades 4-7 who will finish this inaugural program in May.

With Gratitude,
Liz Phillips and Gretchen Smith


Mondays at 7:00 pm. Register with Kristin at



The Community Church offers an exciting range of small discussion groups, book studies and support groups. Check out our ONLINE PAGE for the latest descriptions, with times and contacts, and an invitation to community and conversation!

Informal Grief Support Groups


This group meets monthly, September--May, on the 2nd Monday of each month, 4:00-5:30 pm in the Church Parlor or Virtually. This is an informal gathering, to share joys and concerns, tools for coping, and each other’s company. There is no cost. Because of COVID protocols, however, there are space limitations. For information about openings, please email Steve Hardy.


This group meets monthly September--May, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 5:00-6:30 pm in the Church Parlor. This is an informal gathering, to share joys and concerns, tools for coping, and each other’s company. There is no cost. Because of COVID protocols, however, there are space limitations. For information about openings, please email Steve Hardy.



Thinking About a Friend?

Maybe you've got a friend, a colleague; and you think the Community Church might really fit your friend's passion for spirit, justice and peace. Feel free to forward this email on...don't hesitate to share the good news of vitality and compassion that we experience together every week! You might be doing your friend a wonderfully good turn!

Curious About CCD & UCC? To find out more about Community Church, visit our church website. Or, find us on Facebook. Did you know that the Community Church of Durham also has a Facebook Group where ideas, comments and announcements can be posted? Check it out and get connected! To learn more about the United Church of Christ, and our bold witness nationally, visit the UCC's inspiring website. The New Hampshire Conference is another resource for great inspiration and connection in mission. You'll find the Conference online as well!

Dave's Blog is "VALLEY RISE UP": And you're welcome to visit anytime, or better yet "follow" the blog to receive his latest posts. Dave regularly posts prayers, poetry, reflections and all of our weekly worship opportunities.


ECHO Thrift Store

CHECK OUT THE FABULOUS NEW VIDEO, highlighting ECHO's extraordinary mission.

ECHO is back and better than ever! Covid originally closed our doors and water damage from a burst pipe kept them closed. Walls have been painted, floors have been replaced and we invite you back to our wonderful thrift shop run by community volunteers.

Friends in Action, a non profit that provides social and recreational opportunities for people with developmental disabilities, has many participants volunteering Monday- Wednesday. To keep volunteers and shoppers safe, we are requiring masks be worn in the shop. We will have masks for you at the door if you have forgotten yours.

We need clothes! Drop off clothing of any season in the hallway near Echo anytime the church is open. ECHO is open Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm! Come in and meet our friendly volunteers Monday through Friday. See more info here:


Here are some recent communications and letters from other parts of the church, as we keep connected around activities and commitments far and wide.

Church Office Hours

Church office hours are Monday - Thursday from 9:00 - 3:00.

The office will be closed Monday, April 25 and Tuesday April 26.

If you're not presently on the regular email list, please contact Heather Curran at that she can add you as a regular recipient.

God's blessings and peace to all,

Dave Grishaw-Jones

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